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Nick Micale. Rest in piece my friend.


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Fiberglass bumper filler dude. (949) 433-1257
Staff member
Apr 4, 2002
Got a call this morning from Nick's son that Nick passed away last night, surrounded by family.
Nick was a huge part of this section, this board and the Turbo Buick community.
Nick was a man of God, family man, racer, TB guru and mentor who will be missed by many.
If anyone hears of plans for a memorial, feel free to post them here.

Mike Barnard.
So Western moderator
Rest easy Nick. I always read his posts. I met him in 2019 when I bought a TTA from Lyle. He let us use his lift to inspect car. I met him and his wife and few members of his family. They were all very nice people. We were there for a couple hours talking. Very sad day.
A sad time for our Buick Community, I first spoke with Nick nearly 30 years ago via phone with several questions. Not even knowing me he took the time to answer my questions with clarity as if I was his best friend. That was Nick ( loved being an ambassador). Finally met him and shook his hand at one of RCG Buick events. ...RIP
Nick was a good man. I spent quite a few afternoons at his house BS'ing with him, his wife, son, and a myriad of other TR guys who would be there for one reason or another. Always a good time and lots of information and knowledge to be garnered.

His daughter Nikki called me yesterday morning with the sad news.

Nick lived a full life and I would imagine he is right now staging his white Buick at the Pearly Gates for the run of his dreams!

God's speed, Nick! RIP.
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My wife and I were saddened to hear the news yesterday. It made me sit back and think how long I knew Nick. I'm pretty sure we first met at the GS Nationals in 1995 where he was the race director. He was a great guy and a founding member of the Turbo Buick community. I'm grateful to have called him a friend for as long as I did. He was honest vendor, strong competitor and mentor to many who will be missed by all. Our condolences go out to his family and all those who were blessed to know him.

This is the last picture I have of he and I from the Bates car show in 2022.

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May you have a personal best E.T. and MPH every time down the strip in heaven!

God speed

hello: That's what I thought. RIP as death is forever. I was snot a fan.
Ahh the restocking fee, you got the right attitude Pat Buchanan said when Ted Kennedy died 15 years ago " when God puts his hand on someone, I take mine off"
Never met the man but definitely one of those name's every old school Buick enthusiasts know! My Condolences to the Micale family, may he Rest In Peace!! 🙏