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No love at the tree farm


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Jun 10, 2003
some guy in a big ford expadition on sunday was loading his tree on top of his truck and bashed the tree trunk into my TYPHOON pass door (ASSH@LE) he put a dent and a number of deep marks in the door then he just left... tis the season I guess.
I havent drove it for a month or so It was a nice day thought it would be a nice day for a spin Guess NOT....
Just thought I would vent to someone who knows what its like....

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I'm not vindictive or anything, but you could have...

Followed him home
Tied him to a chair
Cut off all the limbs on the tree and spread them around his chair
Beat him with the tree trunk
Lite the tree clippings on fire on your way out

This is just the first idea that popped into my was a bad day at work today!

Sorry to hear about the damage, there's just no excuse for it, other than some people are just clueless and have no concern for other peoples property.
I am so sorry to hear Randy. Dammit. Things like that should not happen. What did he say, did he offer to help in any way?
Your truck is so nice.. :(
Oh.....on a happier note..did you get your Xmas card, and are you sporting your new decal? I hope so. I might even have some cards for us too. I can make black Sy NWSTP cards and black Ty NWSTP cards :)
He just left :eek:
yes I got my x mas card Thankyou look for yours its on the way..:) :) :)
Im going to take the sticker into my friends T-shirt/sticker shop and get one in the same color as my badges (gold) with a black out line. Im also going to get a T-shirt made what size do you want i will get you one too...;)NWSTP logo under that Your name and on the back SYCLONE :) :D
haha HUGE - XL.. Do you just want the file for the logo, I can send it to you. I know its in here somewhere..