Please forgive me if I shouldn't have done this but I didn't get any response from the transmission section.
my transmission started taking a long time to shift from 1st to 2nd and would only shift out if I really gave it a lot of gas. So I did the tv cable adjustment procedure and the car shifts better but it seems like the transmission is slipping especially during hard acceleration. I also noticed that the car will start in park and drive but not in neutral. I had to add 1 1/2 quarts of transmission fluid when I first noticed the problem but the fluid level is fine now.
what do ya'll think could be going on. I hope its just a sensor or cable problem and not the transmission.
I have changed the neutral safety switch months ago to make the check come on in the powerlogger program for park and neutral.
In the powerlogger program when I shift car out of park the check stays on in the box
my transmission started taking a long time to shift from 1st to 2nd and would only shift out if I really gave it a lot of gas. So I did the tv cable adjustment procedure and the car shifts better but it seems like the transmission is slipping especially during hard acceleration. I also noticed that the car will start in park and drive but not in neutral. I had to add 1 1/2 quarts of transmission fluid when I first noticed the problem but the fluid level is fine now.
what do ya'll think could be going on. I hope its just a sensor or cable problem and not the transmission.
I have changed the neutral safety switch months ago to make the check come on in the powerlogger program for park and neutral.
In the powerlogger program when I shift car out of park the check stays on in the box