OK here it is I hear a NLU Convertor is easier on transmission, but harder revs on the motor. Also the your MPG will suck really bad, since it never locks. An I want a convertor that I can jump on the interstate an travel with!! I found a GN for a sweat deal an its got a 10" NLU 3300 Stall in it, guy tells me @ 75 MPH it RPm"s @ 3300, does that sound good to you?? Seems a little hi to me. This is a 10.55 @ 124MPH 1/4 Mile car.. Friend tells me that MPH would go up @ least 4MPH with a lockup but the tranny would not last but maybe a season of racing.The tranny in it was built by Vince Jannis, so its got to be good I would think. What should I do as far as this convertor goes, also what are the pros an cons of either models of convertors???? THANKS GUYS