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Non Lock Up VS. Lock UP Confused!!!!!!!!


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Active Member
Apr 3, 2003
OK here it is I hear a NLU Convertor is easier on transmission, but harder revs on the motor. Also the your MPG will suck really bad, since it never locks. An I want a convertor that I can jump on the interstate an travel with!! I found a GN for a sweat deal an its got a 10" NLU 3300 Stall in it, guy tells me @ 75 MPH it RPm"s @ 3300, does that sound good to you?? Seems a little hi to me. This is a 10.55 @ 124MPH 1/4 Mile car.. Friend tells me that MPH would go up @ least 4MPH with a lockup but the tranny would not last but maybe a season of racing.The tranny in it was built by Vince Jannis, so its got to be good I would think. What should I do as far as this convertor goes, also what are the pros an cons of either models of convertors???? THANKS GUYS
I have a 10" 3000 in my GN and it tachs 2600 at 75mph. It used to do 2250 with the lockup. Gas mileage maybe dropped around 2mpg on the way to the track (36 miles). Temp never gets over 178 on the hiway either.
thanks for reply

Ever take it on long trips????? You like it better then LU Conv.??? How about around town>> What type is it?? This one is a PTC!!!

I vote lock up.... to a point. But that point would be 90% of our cars can run a lock up and should.

Just My opinion. Take it for what it is worth. :D

""Ever take it on long trips????? You like it better then LU Conv.??? How about around town>> What type is it?? This one is a PTC!!!""

The only long distance I drive with it is to the track. It is 36 miles one way and I drive it around town otherwise. Mine is a Hughes 10". No problems with it and no complaints. If I had the money, I would go for one of Bruces' XTreme converters (9/11). When I get my Turbo/Vega project done, it will have lockup so I can drive it out of town. I like the idea of less heat buildup and better mileage from less rpm's.:D