If you run 50 shot, run 2lbs lower on the boost, 2 degree less on timing, 75 shot run 3lbs lower on boost, and stay with 2 degree less on timing. Make sure your fuel pump is up to the job, some have use stock pumps and have been alright but I would change it to a walbro for insurance. Might consider one colder on the plug also. As for gages I would have a fuel pressure gage and knock gage. If you run out of fuel, chances are you will be changing headgaskets. If it is a new NOS setup also check the jet size, they usually send them out with the gas jets 2 sizes to large.
Not sure what your setup is but with a stock setup(except fuel pump, adj fuel reg., and good tires it's not unusual to see a 1.5 second increase in 1/4 et.