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Not all ricers suck!


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Immature Member
Sep 28, 2002
Not all ricers suck!At least not one of them.

I left work last night and decided to go to the local cruise spot with the GN.It was the first time I had taken it in over 3 years.

The first stop light I come to I'm sittin there by myself and this primered Honda with all the ricer stuff on it pulls up next to me.I look over and the carload is checking the car out and the driver motions for me to roll the window down.I'm thinkin I might get to have some fun but he just ask me to rev it up a couple times.So I give him a few (I have no mufflers btw)And he ask if it has a turbo,I say yes and he then ask me to "light em up".So then I made the tires beg for mercy as we left the light!!

I believe they "knew of the DARKSIDE" but had never experienced it firsthand before.I can only hope it did them some good!
Re: Not all ricers suck!At least not one of them.

Originally posted by B.B.
I left work last night and decided to go to the local cruise spot with the GN.It was the first time I had taken it in over 3 years.

The first stop light I come to I'm sittin there by myself and this primered Honda with all the ricer stuff on it pulls up next to me.I look over and the carload is checking the car out and the driver motions for me to roll the window down.I'm thinkin I might get to have some fun but he just ask me to rev it up a couple times.So I give him a few (I have no mufflers btw)And he ask if it has a turbo,I say yes and he then ask me to "light em up".So then I made the tires beg for mercy as we left the light!!

I believe they "knew of the DARKSIDE" but had never experienced it firsthand before.I can only hope it did them some good!
good story! i notice a lot of the smarter ricers by me respect the GN's... :cool:
Re: Not all ricers suck!At least not one of them.

Originally posted by B.B.
87 GN:TE-44,modified IC,36#,Adj. reg,Thrasher 92,air bag and sucky radials.
I have a similar set-up. Do you have any track times?
Re: Not all ricers suck!At least not one of them.

No. But the vast majority of them do.
My accord has a rust hole in the muffler, sounds like a ricer, its embarrassing.
I have a similar set-up. Do you have any track times?

I ran it a few years ago and ran a 9.0 in the 1/8th witha bad tune and NO TRACTION!

Anybody have any ideas what it might run?
Well with a good tune up and some traction you should be in the 12's IF everything goes right. ;)
That sounds like me!

I was on hempstead turnpyke here on long island, im with a friend in my 91 honda beater, and i see a white t-type with the window sticker still on the window!!. I ask him to roll the window down and throw a couple revs, when the light turned green he took off pretty nicley. Cant wait till my beast is done this spring so i can get/give the same responce, a lot of people know the power of the darkside Honduhs leads to slow, slow leads to anger ,anger leads to boost!