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Oh the joy of E-85!


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TRCM Author
May 25, 2001
I have a new Extender Extreme "G" chip on order with Full Throttle. Mind you, I bought the "F" race model a couple of years ago at Bowling Green and it's barely seen the light of day.
For over 2 years, I've fought with inadequate fueling problems, so there wasn't much sense in taken it to the track to melt the engine.
So since I was bored this evening, I dropped in the chip and 6 gallons of E-85 (so in the end, I'd guess I had something closer to E-40).
So I head to my favorite street (see my post from last week), and there's not much happening. A Gen-1 Camaro is hogging the passing lane, soccer mom, soccer mom, pickup truck, ho-hum.
I finally get to the front of the pack, but hung up at a stop light. I'm aware of the car next to me, but not until he lays into it at the green.
For those that read my other post, you know that traction is a problem. I think my rear tires are 275's if I remember correctly, but it's just not enough any more.
So at 3/4 throttle, I'm doing the virtual John Force burnout while him and I are neck and neck. I finally let out enough to get traction and took off like a bullet.
Next light, much the same thing. This guy has the reaction time of granny on sleeping pills. So again I'm spinning, even at 1/2 throttle, and it's much the same race, until I get to about 50 MPH where it hooks and I'm off like a shot again.
I wish I knew more about "his" car. The headlights definitely showed late-model BMW. This model definitely had some cojones!
Needless to say, the fueling problem is fixed. Even with the E-85 I could see 11:1 A/F ratios on the WB.
I would've loved to have gotten this guys reaction.:eek:
awesome. e-85 is some good stuff -- i'm ordering an e-85 chip from Turbo Tweak as soon as I get my POS running again. unfortunately there is only one gas station in my area of the state that sells the fuel, but i heard all of the wal-mart stations are supposed to get it soon.