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Ohhhh Noooooo............


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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2001
Was coming back from the first big cruise of the year and taking it easy. I had just put on a dual stage boost controller the day before and hadn't had a chance to calibrate it. It was about 9.30 or so and not much traffic so I decided to cut through a road where we typically make a pass. There were three cars in the oncoming lane and then it was clear. This is an industrial area so it is unusual to have any traffic after dark. Well, it was clear so I decided to see what boost was on the low setting and punched it. It went to 20 lbs and I got out of it. Need to turn that back a bit. So I look in my mirror and here comes a set of headlights in a hurry. I'm thinking this guy wants some and then the blues come on. Oh sh!t..... I pull over and this young cop comes up to the door with a smile on his face and asks "do you know why I stopped you"? Well duh! I politely said yes sir and smiled. He says were you just airing it out and I replied no, actually I was checking the boost gauge. He smiled and said let me see your license. I'll be right back.
Now Understand, my car has been in the build mode for a while and I completely forgot about renewing the tags in December. I just knew he was going to come back with a handful of tickets. I guess he was taken by the tag itself and didn't see the expired sticker. My tag "UL LOSE".
He finally walks back still smiling and hands me my license and says "have a wonderful evening sir" and leaves. Blew my freekin mind.
I wonder if I've used up my luck now. ??? :):)
20lbs of boost! What speed were you doing? I hate going fast at night, just in case it IS a cop;)
I'm sure you have a LITTLE bit of luck least on the Indiana side ;)
20lbs of boost! What speed were you doing? I hate going fast at night, just in case it IS a cop;)

I don't know how fast it got. I was watching the boost gauge to see how much boost it had on the low setting. As soon as it peaked I let off.
I'm sure you have a LITTLE bit of luck least on the Indiana side ;)

Are the boys racing over there??? I used to race on the bridge some time ago. It was usually me and ten Mustangs. Looked like they were chasing me out of town. LOL :biggrin:
Cali cops aren't cutting any breaks right now...too busy trying to collect revenue for the broke budget...:(
Thats funny

I remember when I got my GN and I was going thru it and tuning it and stuff. I just slapped the plates on from my T-Type. I was just going to take it down the street in front of my shop, very little traffic anyways. So I take it out. rolling on to the street I gun it and boy it went. I was watching my boost guage as well. I look up to see if there are any cars coming and look in the rear view and I see a cop turn the corner be hind me, my heart stopped, I looked at the speedo and it was flashing 85:eek: After I **** myself, I see his cherrys come on and he was way back there. So I pull over and wait for him, he got out came up to the car and asked for the usual, he asked if I knew how fast I was going and I said not really:eek: Then he asked if it was a real Grand National, I said as real as your gun, he said sit tight. I figured I was screwed big time, I though the car was going to be towed and I was going to jail. He came back and asked if I would pop the hood, I did. He looked at me and said "Thats impressive" I said thanks. He gave me a warning and told me to drive safe:eek::cool: The power of the Dark Side;)

What ever happen to the good old days, the state must be so hard up for cash now, I got a ticket for doing 2 miles over the posted limit like a month ago, 22 in a 20 zone. I had to piss money in gas go to court and sit there all damn day for the judge to drop it:eek:, that cop should be fired for wasting the states money:mad:
What ever happen to the good old days, the state must be so hard up for cash now, I got a ticket for doing 2 miles over the posted limit like a month ago, 22 in a 20 zone. I had to piss money in gas go to court and sit there all damn day for the judge to drop it:eek:, that cop should be fired for wasting the states money:mad:

I am hearing most police depts are doing this now due to the economy, they need that revenue they've stopped being lax on speeders. Which I think is a bummer because not all speedos and radar guns are calibrated dead nuts on. Meaning in a 60 mph zone your speed might read 59 and his gun 61. :mad:
I am hearing most police depts are doing this now due to the economy, they need that revenue they've stopped being lax on speeders. Which I think is a bummer because not all speedos and radar guns are calibrated dead nuts on. Meaning in a 60 mph zone your speed might read 59 and his gun 61. :mad:

Where did you here that? Is there a site I could find where it says what % of a ticket fee does the issuing police dept get.