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Oil cooler adapter,pump cover.


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Sock Monkey racing
Oct 29, 2007
Okay, so I get into this can of worms today and I remove one piece at a time. First the filter(duh) then the pressure switch, then the oil cooler and adaptor( as one unit). Now when I get the adaptor and cooler on the bench to break that assembly down I notice the adaptor has a chunk out of it, albeit a small chunk, a chunk none the less. See pics....


Now, this isn't the first time this things been off and I suspect by the tool marks on everything it's been off twice at least. Or severely manhandled once. If you see the O-ring you'll see why it was leaking pretty good too.
My questions are these;
1, Do I even worry about it missing this peice?
2, If so, is this TTA specific?
3, Where can I get one?

Next question; I've left the pump cover on as it looks like a pain in the A$$ to get off. Should I go ahead and take it off too? And what's in store for me to fall out on the floor and roll into the drain . I origianlly suspected the pump cover to front cover gasket was leaking, but now that I see this O-ring I think this is the leak.
The leak doesn't seem to have been going on for more than a couple thousand miles and if that's the case that's about when the previous owner put a timing chain and gears in. I suspect that it was not taken off properly at that time and that's how the chunk came off.
And if I get into the oil pump cover does the front timing cover have to come off to change out the gasket?

Thoughts anyone??
The piece being broke off will not hurt it at all. Has nothing to do with sealing. Do like Grumpy said and replace the oring. Its the same oring thats on an oil filter.