Ok, now what do you dislike about your GN or t-type?

1. idiot previous owners and spending your first month with the car fixing all their stupid mistakes and hack jobs....still dont have everything straightened out yet
2. terrible gas mileage....relates to #1...havent tuned her yet
3. slow ass power windows
4. squeeky t-tops.....but doesnt leak but is noisy over 40mph
5. not coming up with the 86/7 engine in 84:( if you've ever been in a hotair it sounds like a frickin police siren
6. ugly wheels
7. digital dash is crap....lack of proper gauges

think thats it so far...hell i've only had it a month or so
Originally posted by d0n_3d
things i dislike about my GN?

9. this is an aftermarket issue...but my 3" downpipe is CONSTANTLY banging around the frame

Really? I have the same DP as you and mine never hits. Better check out those motor mounts Kimosabe
I just put a 3 inch THDP on my 87 GN, along with a new TE44, and the pipe had to be 'heated and beated' a bit - to get in there so it would not hit the frame...You may need to do the same...;)
Window seals and THE SQUEAKY WINDSHIELD!!! It's driving me insane! Whenever it's just moist enough out there every time I hit a bump I hear the lovely chirp! :mad:

Black1986beast, it's not actually your windshield squeaking, put a dab of white grease or what-ever you have on the centre hood stop, (near the windshield) it should take care of that squeak! Mike
A lot of the complaints I've been reading are nothing more than standard 1980's design. I've been seeing things such as the dash cluster, cheap plastic items on the interior, seats, slow windows etc. These were all common designs and the standard for the 80's. Comparing the design and downfall of the interior the cars of today isn't fair.

The only complaints I have are:

- Powermaster brakes are dangerous
- Absolutely horrible paint quality
- Door pull-strap caps can't stay attached
- Seat belt guides are essentially worthless
- Rear main leaks all too common (haven't had problems w/mine)

In the grand scheme of things these complaints are zilch compared to the positives.
Originally posted by Mr. T
Don't flatter yourselves. I have had more offers on my SS than on my T. Most of the offers come when Amy is off driving the car... I guess she makes the deal look better if these dolts think she comes with it. ;) :D

I did get one offer on the SS when I was with it, my response was:
Yep, it is for sale... got $35,000? :D
I assume it's only because the SS is more recognizable than the T. Most "so-called" auto enthusiasts have no idea what a Turbo T or T-Type is.

i strongly agree, yes they are cheap plastics, but the same cheap plastics are in imports too, (EX:Moms 99 honda accourd, already has a gash and wasnt done with sharp object) The cheap plastics are the same, just different looks, i do like the regal dash(not the guage cluster), i painted mine flat black with a stretch agent to give it a newer look , and it did come out sweet, i tested it for scratches also, still good. as far as the windows go. Just replace your door sills, and the white felt (or whatever it is)on the window braces inside the door, they squeeze and make the windows slow, my windows are very fast, sometimes i think im going to break them. (keep in mind stock window motors) and also replace the door sills or that plastic strip on the door sills that squeeze on the window(hard and cracked) , that also adds to the slowness, and keep the windows clean and you should have no problem. The car im working on now is just a plain-jane 86 regal limited, i dont see why this wouldnt work on a GN.

oh yeah, greaze up those tracks! the tracks work like the drawer for your keyboard, cept your car gets a little dirtier and so do the window tracks, sand and dust collect and build up a nice guantlet

take your door panels off,cover the window motor/wires, spray the tracks with carb cleaner( i love that stuff takes grease off easy) and if you have a air compressor blow the dirty away whipe it up if u can, and grease the tracks

good luck, i bet it will work, just a simple solution

I also have another complaint, seems like most new cars are comign up with less and less room inside the car, i think they just had the head room to give you the illusion of a spacious car. most cars if i drop soemthign on the floor and i reach to go get it, i cant do it unless i bang my head on something. im proud to be a buick owner!