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Old man had to be faster....


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Active Member
Jun 13, 2006
I tease my old man a lot that my regal will stomp his nova when its done....

So I come home to see that my old man's beautiful 62' 871 Blown Hilborn injected Nova is missing from the garage...and in its place sits a station wagon......I think to is this nonsense. However...This car looks fairly infamous..where did I see it before??...Scratches head.....I look inside the car and see an AMS 1000 and digital dash. Ok my curiosity has peaked..popped the hood and just starred :eek:


I walked inside the house...grabbed a drink and walked upstairs. Old man is just relaxing in his chair. Looks at me..giggles and says, "You lose". What an ass....I couldn't hold in the smile and laugh though. Father always has to 1up the son. Sigh....
waitin' to see how ya one-up him.... :p
waitin' to see how ya one-up him.... :p

I'm shoebox full of cash I saved for years sits in unnecessary billet aluminum parts on the ole Limited haha.....I wave a little white flag. Unless someone wants to sell me a TSO stage 2 car for $1800 ;)
Hopefully, he will accept your surrender........ ;)
hello and what's happenin; You say that a station wagon was in the garage and that engine is in it? I'd say you'd loose also but lets see the whole deal.
Hahaha funny story! I like it. Post some more pics of the beast.
A few more pics I snapped today. What a lil sleeper...who expects a station wagon..and still on 10.5's to boot :p





Thanks all....I know my old man won't do it...but if it's dry out in the next few days I think I will roll into it a little bit :) Maybe get a little video
hello; I've almost always liked SW from Chevy Nomads to Old Vista Cruises to a gone Mazda 626 wagon. I don't know why? I do like that wagon of your farthers and I'll bet it can go alot faster. I'm considering a VW wagon as the old van is getting old.
One of my dreams is to take one of those 2 door Malibu wagons and make it Gasser type hot rod , staight axel front end , the whole sheebang.

That is a very cool car. I think I may have seen it at a super chevy show in the recent past. Was it ever in AZ?
It's been a few places....not sure how far from the Midwest though. Hot rod power tour car..
I know old man will let me take and him always have had a, you can use my toys if I can use yours type of deal. :p what I meant by I know he won't.. is him actually getting on the car. He is a 3k rpm king...

Just a few weeks ago I said, "finally get on the nova today?" Referring to his prior nova. He says ohh yea laid into it good coming home.

I go into the garage and hit the tach recall....3300 rpm. -.- such a wuss lol

Doesn't mind lacing wot in my stuff though haha