OLIVER & CROWER RODS - 6.500 ON-center HD , good for turbo applications
.927 pins , 7/16 rod bolts , wide journal (.890 wide )
2 sets of OLIVERs ( both sets weigh 770 grams ) $450.00 shipped
1 set of CROWERs ( have been re-sized on big end ) $550.00 shipped
buickv6@hotmail.com cell 937 272-4313 Dayton, Ohio Mike Booher
.927 pins , 7/16 rod bolts , wide journal (.890 wide )
2 sets of OLIVERs ( both sets weigh 770 grams ) $450.00 shipped
1 set of CROWERs ( have been re-sized on big end ) $550.00 shipped
buickv6@hotmail.com cell 937 272-4313 Dayton, Ohio Mike Booher