? on shimming new adjustable servo pin and bowtie overdrive tv plunger spring


Sep 10, 2003
2 questions

First I bought the tv cable correction kit from bowtie overdrives. It came with a new slightly longer tv plunger spring. The instructions on their kit says install new spring. ? is I also bought the PTS shift kit and it tells me to just install part with old spring?
Do I use old spring or new spring and install part from shift kit?

Second ? is about the number of shims I used in the new adjustable pin with a GN servo. I installed all 4 thin ones and Ihave about .030 to .040 when cap and snapring installed. I never did get it to tight where I could not rotate output shaft backward in neutral.

Is this ok?


if you have .030 to .040 you are ok just make sure you know the consequences of removing the cushion spring on the band if you dont already.