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One or Two Nozzels


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Senior Irish Member
May 25, 2001
I'm sure this has been asked but I'm going to ask again for the slower students....

I've had my alchy set up for about a year or so, bought it with a group purchase, it was the new model at the time a single nozzel. Now I've heard of running two nozzels and I'm sure there has been adequate time and discussion on this by now, so which seems to work the best?

Hi Mike,

My cars all seemed to like the two nozzle setup! ;)
Mike, if you want a dual nozzle set up let me know I have one and not using it. $20 and it's yours
Thanks for the information....

Your $$$ are in the mail...

Sounds like a deal to me, I'll e-mail you later, I've gota get back to painting before the wife misses me...;)

Stupid question, but where does the second one go? I haven't seen a dual set up yet, I only have the single.

I taught that you only needed a dual nozzle kit if you were into the 11s but what i dont get is if thats on alkey or with strait pump gas
What size nozzles are u using? I got the dual nozzle kit with 2- M10 nozzles and I have to have the pump speed around 3 to stop bogging?

Funny you should ask that...not funny haha, just funny, I asked the very same question. I'm curious to hear some other responses as well from others running the duel set up.

Staged duals M10's.

Turn on points 11psi. and 18psi.

Pump is WOT all the time.

About a 60/40 mix. denatured to water. With Klotz lube. :)

Works okay for me, I like extra alky. at WOT and 24psi. boost.

94 pump gas.

No bog.
How did you stage the SMC Kit? That way would definetely work. Mine isnt staged. Thanks

I'm curious as well, that seems like the best way to go.

NOS alchohol solenoid and just put it in line with the output of the T block for the second nozzle.

Activate it with a Hobbs switch which is adjustable.

I use an electronic Digital Pressure Switch that is programmed to trigger relays at any boost level I program into the box.

Designed by Stage1 (Eric M.). I also have a display that takes the pump signal from the SMC alky. kit and latches a light display that tells me the exact boost it triggers at within .5 psi. :)

Anyway a second Hobbs switch activating a simple relay to pop the alky. solenoid would work well too. Just plumb the thing inline with the second nozzle with a coupla extra hoses.

Bought the spare hose from SMC and made one myself at work.

Solenoid is about $120 from Jegs. Uses NPT hose connections. 1/4" I think.

These pics. expire in a week so view them now. :D

Note that the single nozzle was first installed in the lower bend and I had no other place to put the second one without interference. Steve said the placement top and bottom on the pipe should work okay so I did it.

Side to side up top is probably the best but I didn't want to drill out another up-pipe.
PS: The bracket is a lot cleaner looking now, no more red silicone goop.

Used a ceramic insulator material like the space shuttle tiles under the solenoid to block any heat from the turbo.

Solenoid stays the same temps. as underhood now.

Works great. :)
salvageV6, What is the amp draw of nos solenoids? I'm wondering if they could be controled directly from the Hobbs switch without the relay. Are you using NOS fuel or nitrous solenoids or doesn't it matter? Anyone using any alternative (cheaper) solenoid valves?

I would have to say that is one impressive setup. I think Im gonna do the same. Its great to have people around who thinks up of this stuff. I can rebuild a Patriot radar, but I couldnt think of that. Cool Stuff.
I think the NOS solenoid is about 1 1/2 amperes or so not too much. Have to double check that though.....

I guess you could use the switch direct if you wanted to but relays are better suited to higher loads say a 30 amp. car light relay Bosch style.

I used the NOS ALKY. FUEL solenoid rated for methanol I believe not cheap but I figured it would hold up.

It is directional in flow too so if you try one be careful. It is only rated for low psi. but high flow. Works fine with the high pressure "lower" flow of an SMC nozzle in my tests anyway.

Wasn't a budget thing with me trying to run 24 psi boost on pump gas. ;)

Tried an inline cheap flow switch but that idea didn't work out, wanted to build a failsafe boost lowerer if the alky. stopped flowing. Another project on hold right now. :D