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One or Two Nozzels


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Thanks for the information...nice job

I think I fall into the same catagory as some of the others here, give me a set of blue prints and I can build you a mansion fit for royality. When it comes to my toy's, sometimes trying to make an idea come together is like trying to watching a foreign film...

Well actually it was a bit of a nightmare doing the whole thing.

My older nozzle has a soldered fitting that broke off twice because I hard piped it at first direct out of the T block. Had to re-silver solder that up.

Bracket was solid aluminum and the solenoid was red hot after the first WOT pass.

Had to swiss cheese the thing to get less material and more airflow and also use that ceramic spacer.

My toolmaker made the bracket so I had to use it and make it work right. :D

Actually looks like a nitrous plumbing abortion but doesn't bother me.

I am more proud of my aluminum bottle hanging bracket for the SMC bottle because I didn't want to hang it off the fan support.

Uses the (2) 3/8" holes in the radiator cover.

Pics. of that are in that folder too.

Held up good so far but I will double check the flow rates and all in the spring to make sure it's still a good idea.... ;)

DPS control box is in a pic. too. You can see the 5 settings for it on the little screen. Also a pic I think of the relay board and wiring.

Actually I make a much better follower than leader. I don't want to test out stuff on the edge since I have to drive the thing everyday. :)

All my mods., I like to believe, are proven out by others.
when i get my alky kit im probably going with dual small nozzles. steve explained it all to me earlier today over the phone. i believe 2 small nozzles will give me the flow of a large nozzle with the atomization of a small nozzle all w/o bogging out the motor like dual large nozzles may. he told me that if you are in the 11s you should get a dual nozzle kit. 11s is where i want to be. i may try differnet configurations later on.
Hi Fred,

I use the two M10s, but have not had a problem with bogging and run fairly high pump speeds. Could be related to chip programming, too? (timing, fuel, etc...)

I used an inline NOS solenoid to control siphoning on my first kit in '94 and it worked just fine right off the boost switch. May have to try one again for a staged system.

FWIW: Even though two of my cars didn't run 11s, they had the horsepower potential to (theoretically). I'd venture that another way to put it is that you could benefit from dual nozzles if your car runs 110+ mph in the quarter.
I think I might of found out the problem. I had 2 gals of Methanol I wanted to get rid of. I realized that I put about 50/50 mix. I am going today and gettig a 5 gal jug of denatured alchy and try 100% like everyone is suggesting. If I bog with that, then Im going to pull a nozzle and test from there. The extender chip is 98 octane made for alchy. My problem is trying to get to the track to tune it. All I can do for now is make semi blasts on I-10. Then, I have to worry about the police and the slow drivers here in el paso. Thanks everyone for all the info in this new venture. :D