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Guess I should have looked a little harder before I pulled the drill out!! New holes now drilled. Boost231 would you agree on the 5gpm alky injectors? I am running a Razor progressive system
ok, so whats your goals with the car? i didn't read this whole post.

for my car i was thinking dual m7's myself. i think thats what i would run at high pressure or for your car if you want to run high 11's or slower i would start with dual m5's and run them pretty high on the pressure and go from there.
11.xx would great with me, It is primarily a street/show car. But if I could get in the 11's I would be more than happy. I will start with the 5gpm and see how it goes. Thanks for the advice
not a problem, just a FYI im running dual m15's right now :eek: my car drinks alot
I just looked up a 6262 turbo and the first thing that pops right out is the inlet of the compressor. There's no bolting on the throttle body to that casing. Maybe something can be fabricated, but it'll be much more of a challenge than a TA series.

i want to get a 6262 for my HA me and wfo where talking about removing the tb off the turbo and putting it in the charged pipe from the intercooler kit. i have seen one other HA car with this done to it but have no idea who it is
SO I finally go everything back together, A little fab work here and there but nothing major. I cannot however find the 86-87 ECM that I bought like a year ago!! I spend 3 hours today looking for it:mad: Finally gave up found one on ebay and ordered it up. I was looking forward to a ride this evening but that aint gonna happen now. 101_1650.jpg
looks good man, with those old alky ports you drilled you can now use them for cool things like running it straight from the port to the 3 bar map, boost gauge, etc. also not sure if you did this but you can run a vac line straight from the front alky port (right next to the water temp sensor) to the fuel pressure regulator. that eleminates any chaces of air leaks or line breaks.
I used one for the boost gauge never thought about it but yeah I think I will use one for the fuel regulator, that is actually the only thing still hooked up to the hard vacuum line
junk the hard vac lines. most of the **** you can junk. also like the egr stuff and boost selonoide thats crap and can be removed as well
I was wondering about the boost solenoid and egr crap, can I just unplug the harness and stick the components in the box of parts I keep if I ever decide I need to make the car all stock again.
thats what i did, if you have a TT chip pull the boost solenoid and see if you get a code. if you do you can send the chip back to eric and he will bypass the solenoid. you should be able to pull the egr one without getting a error code.
WILL THIS EVER END!!! All back together and it wont start!! Cam sensor tested good, crank sensor tested good. ECM bad! This project is wearing me out, No Ebay ECM this time off to NAPA on monday.
ecms are easy to find locally- they put them in millions upon millions of 3.8 powered fwd cars in the late 80's. i paid $35 for mine.
Yeah I know, my local NAPA "gives" me stuff at 10% over their cost!! I should have just got it from there to begin with. Not much more than junkyard price and I will get a warranty.
Well put the new ECM in and it fired right up. Now to sort everything else out. Exhaust leak fixed,fixed the wire I knocked the off the alky pump, and the knock gauge, now to fix slight leak from the thermostat neck and a little oil leak from somewhere. But man this thing is a rocket!! Pulls hard at 10# boost and just keeps pulling, hopefully the Ohio weather holds out a few more days so I can turn the boost up a bit and let her rip!!!