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Paint quality


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Curless Auto

Active Member
Oct 2, 2013
O.K., I have owned many G-body's over the years. I own an 86 Cutlass that is 100% original and the paint is less than stellar out of the box. It has zebra striping on the trunk, acid rain stains on it. But the one thing I have never seen is dirt in the paint. Do these cars have issues with dirt in them?
Paint on all the TRs was subpar. Even the GNXs had issues, ASC did want to repaint them but didn't due to time/money constraints, but ASC did buff them to try and help with the paint appearance.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are some dirt nibs here and there , the smallest of particles can show up like big rocks in a paint job . If you are looking at one ( GNX) , and it looks like a lot , I'd look deeper into seeing if that part was repainted .
Two GNX's I went to go look at had sub par body repair/paintwork . As a paint/body guy , I see things on a cars body a lot more than the average guy . I even bring/brought a digital paint micrometer to measure the mil thickness to end all arguments with seller saying it was orig paint .
On my 1,400 mile GN ( obviously orig paint ) , the orig laquer measured 2.7 ish mils to 4.2 ish mils . If you see spots with 5 , 6 , 7 and up ,'s a repaint !!!!!! I wouldn't expect someone to have one of these tools , but another good tell tale sign on a GN , GNX , or black T , is a very strong portion of them have " paint debri " in them from the previous painted cars of the metallic colors , specifically the Burgundy ones . My 1,400 mile GN , my 14k mile X , and my friends 9k orig mile T ( black ) , when you see them in the sun , you can see " metal flake " . Some worse than others . If you see that , and the seller is telling you it is orig paint , he's telling the truth so don't be alarmed when you see this , at least it's original !!!!
Hope it works out for you for the one you went to go see !!!!! If it's the same one we spoke about , he has to move alittle then .


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My GN was painted in 1993 by a buddy who owns a body shop. Prep work is key, this took a month on a 9K mile car. We went with a Lexus black.
Looks like it was painted last month.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are some dirt nibs here and there , the smallest of particles can show up like big rocks in a paint job . If you are looking at one ( GNX) , and it looks like a lot , I'd look deeper into seeing if that part was repainted .
Two GNX's I went to go look at had sub par body repair/paintwork . As a paint/body guy , I see things on a cars body a lot more than the average guy . I even bring/brought a digital paint micrometer to measure the mil thickness to end all arguments with seller saying it was orig paint .
On my 1,400 mile GN ( obviously orig paint ) , the orig laquer measured 2.7 ish mils to 4.2 ish mils . If you see spots with 5 , 6 , 7 and up ,'s a repaint !!!!!! I wouldn't expect someone to have one of these tools , but another good tell tale sign on a GN , GNX , or black T , is a very strong portion of them have " paint debri " in them from the previous painted cars of the metallic colors , specifically the Burgundy ones . My 1,400 mile GN , my 14k mile X , and my friends 9k orig mile T ( black ) , when you see them in the sun , you can see " metal flake " . Some worse than others . If you see that , and the seller is telling you it is orig paint , he's telling the truth so don't be alarmed when you see this , at least it's original !!!!
Hope it works out for you for the one you went to go see !!!!! If it's the same one we spoke about , he has to move alittle then .

It is indeed that car. He is a great guy, was extremely cordial. He had a gorgeous collection of GM cars at the location we were at, there are more. Found a couple of flaws that he did not know about (said they were not there when he parked it several months ago, I believe him. He was not happy about them at all) Long and short of it is, has no reason to sell it... not negotiable on price. I knew that going to look at it, felt I needed to meet and greet anyways and he's only an hour and 45 away from me. Glad I went, beautiful car, way nicer than the last one I looked at. Just not sure about pulling the trigger...
It's your call , he's had it for sale for awhile , use those flaws/missing items in your favor as the potential buyer . It's not way off the mark , but IMO , just a couple bucks to high and for not having the jacket . Again , if the market on X's rises , then he falls into average price . Others are out there for sale for equal or more $$$$ that are in lesser condition and more miles . X's were soft between 2008/9 to about a year ago , but the recent auctions are spiking owners to up their figures in the value .
1st, I'm usually a buyer, not a seller,
but when I'm selling a car, GN,GNX,etc,
I know about 99.9% of the issues of the car, your pointing out the issues does NOT affect the price with me,
I'm the one who has waxed, and detailed the car, numerous times,
if you persist in pointing out the issues, I become more set on price than ever,
my point...... most people know what they have ,and whats wrong, so don't piss em off .
as its doubtful it will help reducing the price.
when your dealing with a low quantity (547) its not so easy to "just go look at another one".
patience is your best friend, but also knowing what is realistic,.
I've seen some on here say you can buy em (GNX) all day for X amount,
funny...... I read the same forum, but seldom see "that" deal.
seldom will you find a "perfect" car, so I'd look for one in your price range,
that you can make it "yours"
Good Luck"

oh, the jacket did not come with the car, you had to request it from "moly"
so many owners never requested the jacket, as shown when Moly sold all the extra jackets, years ago.
don't let that stop you from owning a rare car.
1st, I'm usually a buyer, not a seller,
but when I'm selling a car, GN,GNX,etc,
I know about 99.9% of the issues of the car, your pointing out the issues does NOT affect the price with me,
I'm the one who has waxed, and detailed the car, numerous times,
if you persist in pointing out the issues, I become more set on price than ever,
my point...... most people know what they have ,and whats wrong, so don't piss em off .
as its doubtful it will help reducing the price.
when your dealing with a low quantity (547) its not so easy to "just go look at another one".
patience is your best friend, but also knowing what is realistic,.
I've seen some on here say you can buy em (GNX) all day for X amount,
funny...... I read the same forum, but seldom see "that" deal.
seldom will you find a "perfect" car, so I'd look for one in your price range,
that you can make it "yours"
Good Luck"

oh, the jacket did not come with the car, you had to request it from "moly"
so many owners never requested the jacket, as shown when Moly sold all the extra jackets, years ago.
don't let that stop you from owning a rare car.

I understand what you are saying about not pissing off an owner... I was very careful in how I worded my opinion of his car. There was no malice in my comments and he asked me to be honest. We are both content with how the conversation went and how we have left things between us. I truly believe that he represented the car to the best of his knowledge and in no way misrepresented it. I would send anyone to him for a high end car.

Personally, if I owned one of these cars, EVERYTHING would be in perfect working condition. No matter what the cost. A car with less than 10,000 miles, has never seen rain, never seen snow, sits in a climate controlled garage, never been raced, etc etc should not have any broken components... period. I understand that the things that I found are not huge issues, that is exactly why I don't understand why they are not fixed.
1st, I'm usually a buyer, not a seller,
but when I'm selling a car, GN,GNX,etc,
I know about 99.9% of the issues of the car, your pointing out the issues does NOT affect the price with me,
I'm the one who has waxed, and detailed the car, numerous times,
if you persist in pointing out the issues, I become more set on price than ever,
my point...... most people know what they have ,and whats wrong, so don't piss em off .
as its doubtful it will help reducing the price.
when your dealing with a low quantity (547) its not so easy to "just go look at another one".
patience is your best friend, but also knowing what is realistic,.
I've seen some on here say you can buy em (GNX) all day for X amount,
funny...... I read the same forum, but seldom see "that" deal.
seldom will you find a "perfect" car, so I'd look for one in your price range,
that you can make it "yours"
Good Luck"

oh, the jacket did not come with the car, you had to request it from "moly"
so many owners never requested the jacket, as shown when Moly sold all the extra jackets, years ago.
don't let that stop you from owning a rare car.

I get what you are saying , I don't like it myself if someone starts trying to " tear " apart the car I am selling . BUT , I do have a problem when I ask many questions about the car , get there and it is not anywhere near what/how they described . In one example , an X I drove 577 miles to go see/buy and was not even close to condition portrayed . Talk about a big waste of time and money , I had every right to voice my opinions , but I didn't , that is why you " do" go look at a car for sale and not buy sight unseen . Heck , I didn't even come back on here and comment about that specific X that a handful said was " so nice " !!! Again , because my criteria of what is nice is above most peoples expectations out there .
I also agree with you , those who have a GNX obviously know what they have and are not going to give it away , and if you don't like the car or the price , go find another one ( out of the 547 ) . But , again , doesn't mean I have to settle either , NTM , pay what I feel is more than what it should be .
The deals on a GNX are going to be few and far between . The last one that I thought was a good deal was in upstate NY last summer , 16k miles , all the goodies ( no jacket ) , for $65k . Very fair IMO .
The way you are describing getting the jacket , to me , is half correct . You did not have to per say , request it , a letter was sent by Molly to the original purchaser of the car ( you are correct , jacket and book were not in the trunk ) , stating to verify the vin , and your size of jacket you want . I have the orig letter in the orig envelope sent to the orig owner of my car . See the date on letter , and when they say to expect the items . So , one could have bought their X in 87 , but did not get the jacket or book until a year later .
Also , you could be correct , some owners did not send in for it , therefore never got it/them . But , I will say , I'd bet a strong portion of the orig owners when they did sell the car to the second owner told the buyer " I don't have it " and kept them . I know this as I know an original owner of an X that did exactly so , and later got rid of the jacket and book .
To me , as you also said , don't pass on an X if it doesn't have certain items . If you want to " complete " the package , then go buy the stuff , or don't .
I , myself want all the paraphernalia associated with the car . Without a doubt adds value to it .
In closing , it was fun hunting for a GNX !!!!!!!!


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