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SignUp Now!Originally posted by 2500HD
basam - sent pics
v8killR - check PM and i'm sending pics
i will be leaving for the weekend later tonight. if someone needs to get in touch with me, call 315-703-0981 and leave a message. i will be gone for about 4 - 6 days.
Originally posted by TireFryer
dangit V8killR4U...
didn't you know of the MI law that a person cannot be a proud owner of more than ONE 1986-87 Turbo Regal. due to this, you have no legal claim to this car, but I will assist you in transfering the title to my name once you have taken possession of the car![]()
looks like my search will continue...
Good catch there V8killR4U....![]()
Originally posted by 2500HD
i will be leaving for the weekend later tonight. if someone needs to get in touch with me, call 315-703-0981 and leave a message. i will be gone for about 4 - 6 days.
Oh My mistake I guess your cell phone didnt work where ever you were at. What happened to the agreement we made about me picking up the car last weekend? Ive left you several messages and emails no reply to any. If some one drops you that kinda of deposit i droppped you for something i think a call back is in order. Please call me ASAP at 517-410-5972. If you still want to deal then great if not kindly return my deposit and no harm done. Please let me know what you would like to do. AS Ive had my money tied up with you for About two weeks now.Originally posted by 2500HD
I am back...sorry for the misunderstanding but it helps to read someone's posts.
Originally posted by 2500HD
the car is for sale again, highest offer. it will be available for one more week, then it's going to be parted out.
lots of tire kickers out there and people who think I shouldn't go on vacation or want the car for almost free or want me to deliver it for free.
Originally posted by V8killR4U
Oh My mistake I guess your cell phone didnt work where ever you were at.
If you still want to deal then great if not kindly return my deposit and no harm done.