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Sorry, the boost gauge, torque converter, elbow, intake pipe and filter are gone...
Slashed the prices once again plus added some stuff......

Pictures can be seen here -

I have had these sitting around and won't be using them for my 350 build. 16 new sealed power rods (RP-3180) and 16 new sealed power lifters (HT-969) Paid $80 bucks and letting it go for $45 + shipping...

Stock 87 GN/TR downpipe $5 + shipping

Stock 87 GN/TR turbo that is good for a core. The fins on the intake side hit the housing $25 + shipping

Stock 87 GN/TR catalytic converter that is gutted $25 + shipping

TE-44 Turbo with a blown oil seal, does have some shaft play and a couple chips missing from the blades. Comes with HD actuator $150.00 + shipping

Stock 87 GN/TR intercooler shroud $10 + shipping

Stock 87 GN/TR intercooler $45 + shipping

6 brand new 3.5 inch T clamps... (They are stamped 3.50 in.) $10 Shipped

Stock 87 GN/TR factory boost solenoid with tee and connector - $40 Shipped

I also have total of three extra NAPA turn signal levers I need to get rid of.

2 of them have the chrome stock, cruise control but no wiper delay. These ones here are more difficult to find...
$14 each shipped...

I have only one that is all black, cruise control, WITH wiper delay. Please look at the plug end!
$14 shipped...

Pictures can be seen here -