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Pawn shops - observation and question


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Mine since '92
May 25, 2001
Lately out of pure boredom I've visited a few pawn shops. I figured what the heck, might just run across something cool. I've noticed that pricing on most of the garbage laying around in those places is near new prices. What's the deal with that? Is it a lure to have people come in and look around because of all the junk they have? I mean, it's not a museum, so why not price the used up crap accordingly?? Like old cordless tool kits that probably have zero life in the packs. Pistols high as camel cocks. Friking old as heck PS2 games for $29....WTF?? Generators I saw were higher than new pricing. Someone please enlighten me to this phenomenon. There must be a reason for the insanity.
I have thought the same thing the last few times I ever went to a pawn shop. I don't understand who buys this stuff and thinks they are getting a good deal. They are the same as used cars dealers to me, your stuff isn't worth a wood nickel, until they own it!
well... with the pawn shop shows on TV it got a new audience . When I was in Vegas a few months ago we went to one of the shops from TV.. It was a joke.. They are making more on T shirts and coffee mugs :p
pawn shops

well... with the pawn shop shows on TV it got a new audience . When I was in Vegas a few months ago we went to one of the shops from TV.. It was a joke.. They are making more on T shirts and coffee mugs :p

I thought you had a Buick pawn shop :biggrin:

NO I DON'T !!! Pawn shops steal and sell !! I try not to buy anymore. :p

I fixed your quote :)

I watch the pawn stars and something will be worth 20 grand and they offer 800 lol then cry about not making no money lol :cool:
To get a good price at a pawn shop you have to live to haggle, and be willing to walk away :-). A coworker brings in a pawn shop purchase every few months to brag about, but he definitely takes bargaining to a new level.
Alway's low ball them big time. I have bought ton's of tools from pawn shops, Most of them being Snapon or Mac. I like to go whenever I get a chance.
Yeah, you always haggle on price at a pawn shop. The mark up everything to almost new cost I agree... They expect to be beaten down so they come prepared:D
Most auctions are very similar, people buying at new or near new prices.
Kinda blows your mind.......
Here, it's because of theft. Most of that stuff is new for a reason.

Right around x-mas is when they buy most of their crap....people cashing in on others misfortune. I ahave always considered most pawn shops as a place to launder your/others goods to get away for some cash on the spot.

I used to find tons of tools from our company at local stores. I even found a 16' steak body trailer at one that was stolen right from a job site in mid day. About 10 hours after it was stolen. I started using a local service that would etch serial numbers deep into the castings of power tools.

On a couple of occasions, I was asked to pay for the items after proving they were ours. The police saw it our way and relieved the store of a lot more than our stuff.
The big problem I have going to pawn shops is that a large percentage of it is stolen. Don't know the exact percentage but you know every damn tool and car stereo that gets jacked around town winds up at a pawn shop. The employees have no way to tell other than to read the people that are selling it. I still go when I get a chance, but never see any screamin' deals. Walked into one in topeka the other day and another customer asked them about stereo equipment. The owner said they quit buying stereo stuff because they knew they were contributing to everyone's windows getting knocked out. Made me smile. Other than the stolen item problem I see no issue with their business. If you need money fast they will buy damn near anything for cash on the spot. "But they buy stuff for 25% of it's value." Yeah, because they have bills to pay too. Every other store on earth buys stuff wholesale and marks it up. I don't see any threads bitching about furniture stores. If you don't need their services, don't go. If you do need some cash, take your stuff to more than one shop and get some quotes. Sell to the highest bidder.

Last one I was at, they had an amp I really wanted. Priced at $150, about what it's worth on ebay, ect. I offered $125 plus the sales tax, cash right there. Guy behind the counter said "I've had this thing sold on layaway deals 3 times, I know it's worth $150 blahblahblah". I said this ain't no layaway deal and plopped the cash on the counter. He said "Nope, $150 owns it not a penny less." I walked out the door.
Pawn shops = WAY OVERPRICED. (sell to idiots that are parted from thier $$)

Pawn shops = BUY STUFF WAY UNDER PRICED (take advantage of suckers who need money)

A guy in Nashua NH opened a new pawn place.. ALL BLING with $$ prices.

(True story) I went in with some scrap gold I paid $1 at GRUMPY's yard sale (thanks Dan). Just kidding on the grumpys part.

The pawn shop owner offered $10 & big spender went to 15 as I walked out.

Went down the street to coin guy and got $80- for same suff. :eek:
pwn shop

A number of years ago befor the "Pawn Shop" ever hit TV I was in Las Vegas and was told to look in the pawshops for "great deals" from people who just lost their @ss at the tables. It was all old beat up construction tools and guitars I could see the people trading their stuff in and running to dope man for another hit.... I just went to the "Pawn Stars" pawn store they can thank god for that tv show. Its a very small shop. The cab driver said they make all of the customers leave when they are filming. Several people I spoke to said they are a good bunch of guys and were very cool befor the show even started
Once wanted to buy a car stereo amp at a pawn shop, until I noticed they were selling it for the same price as a new one. I offered to haggle a little lower on the price. Their response was "we just marked the price down to the one you see and we're not going any lower" So I walked out, ended up buying it new.
This is something you guys can try in your town. Run a add in the sunday paper that says "WE BUY PAWN TICKETS "CASH" You might get away with it for a while, or not..;) Its not illegal.. True story ( It was a saturday night and I was out with my girlfriend at the time (Now Wife). We were at a really nice steak house down town having a good time, and out of the blue a guy, (True Thugg) came right up to my table and said " Charley and the rest of the guys no who you are and what you are doing" "This will stop tonight or my next visit will not be in a public place"" I did this for about 6 months and had a lot of fun doing it, But needless to say The next day I fired my self from that job....:biggrin: BTW I live in a City of 500,000k plus..
This is something you guys can try in your town. Run a add in the sunday paper that says "WE BUY PAWN TICKETS "CASH" You might get away with it for a while, or not..;) Its not illegal.. True story ( It was a saturday night and I was out with my girlfriend at the time (Now Wife). We were at a really nice steak house down town having a good time, and out of the blue a guy, (True Thugg) came right up to my table and said " Charley and the rest of the guys no who you are and what you are doing" "This will stop tonight or my next visit will not be in a public place"" I did this for about 6 months and had a lot of fun doing it, But needless to say The next day I fired my self from that job....:biggrin: BTW I live in a City of 700,000k plus..

English translation ???:confused: