Pcv/throttle shaft /BLM's


3.8L of Fun!
Jun 11, 2006
Ok guys , First lets say i know i have the wrong PCV valve i have a duetsch pcv100 that was in the car when i got it i understand the correct number is pcv126. Anything wrong with the autozone valve?

second issue
I have a leaking throttle shaft seal, Is there a o-ring or something i can use to replace the oem parts and still provide a satisfactory seal? Im not able to order offline and would need to be able to find easy :( bad stipulation i assume.

Third my blm is about 144 when at idle is this something to worry about?
Both the leaking throttle shaft and incorrect PCV can be vacuum leak sources. Any air not metered by the MAF will affect your BLM. If the MAF is reading lower than it should (5-6 grams) at ldle on a stock car the BLM will go up. A perfect BLM value would be 128. If you're in the range of 118-138 you're fine. The BLM range for a stock chip is 100-150. If you're not at the min or max of the range you're OK.

750H.P.V6 said:
Both the leaking throttle shaft and incorrect PCV can be vacuum leak sources. Any air not metered by the MAF will affect your BLM. If the MAF is reading lower than it should (5-6 grams) at ldle on a stock car the BLM will go up. A perfect BLM value would be 128. If you're in the range of 118-138 you're fine. The BLM range for a stock chip is 100-150. If you're not at the min or max of the range you're OK.


Thats what i thought, I guess ill hunt some sort of seal to repair the shaft seals