Pearl Harbor Day


No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.
Dec 9, 2002
Remembering those who lost their lives on Pearl Harbor Day. Not many survivors left.
I was there a couple weeks ago. The Arizona memorial is incredible.
Powerful place...

I've lived thru the passing of the last survivors of the Spanish-American war and WWI, and will prolly see the last of the "great ones" pass too. That'll be a sad day for sure...
I was there a couple weeks ago. The Arizona memorial is incredible.

Was there 10 years ago on are honeymoon and was on the must-do list. Was glad to have been there and hoe to visit again. I seem to be attracted to WW2 historical places.

Remembering those who lost their lives on Pearl Harbor Day. Not many survivors left
the greatest generation,my grandfather enlisted right after that attack.the memorial took my breathe away,what I couldn't believe was how many had the same last name.
few additional thoughts....both my father in law and my wifes moms father where there that fateful morning. my father in law was in the army stationed there and my mother in laws dad was a painter and had just gotten off one of the ships that fateful morning. My mother in law has passed down to me a piece of one of the japanese planes from that fateful morning.
News today said there were only 8 survivors of the PH attack still living...

The news is wrong (as usual). There are 9 USS Arizona survivors still with us, and probably many more Pearl Harbor survivors still with us.
When I was at the memorial 10 years ago, I remember getting there early because we were warned that it gets busy fast. By the time the doors opened there was already a very long line forming to get in but was lucky enough to get on one of the first boats over to the memorial. Another thing I remember was seeing a Japanese torpedo that was recently(at that time) dredge from the harbor and detonated and recovered to put on display. Thought that was very interesting.
