
IF your gonna make it intercooled(as in 86/87 setup) There is so much vendors, help here to reach your goals.
IF it's a hotair and you plan on intercooling it(stock turbo location) read all you can, learn what you have, don't have. HA members have great advice.
anything at all ask to bolts or product reviews.
Turbo Buick Performance Build Ups/Recipes since I don't know if your gonna make your Hotair Turbo Regal into a 86/87 setup, this page will help you either way.
If you do go 86/87 Intercooled setup, Turbo upgrades or new BIGGER turbos can be found easy.
If the turbo is gonna be in the stock location(on top of intake) limited to what you can get ex TA33 or custom.
short and simple
Scan tool( scanmaster) I don't have one.....yet!
50lb injections (should keep up to all upgrades,mods)
TurboTweak.com (best chip out there
86 ECM computer upgrade( cheap easy upgrade, junkyard doner part)
fuel pump & hotwire kit (Racetronix.com , casper's electronics)
Alky injection

2.5'' - 3'' Downpipe ( stock elbow removed, it's a 2'' exhaust until you junk the elbow)
This is just some performance options tho.
You also want to safeguard your car, sure you already know this

oil coolers(trans & engine oil)