Philly Cruise Night Pictures


New Member
Mar 7, 2005
I swear God looked out for us and held off the rain because it's for the troops. I would guess over the course of the night we had around 100 cars. There were thousands of spectators. I don't know how much we raised yet but it was a great event. Had some of the finest cars anywhere show up in support of the troops. The highlight of the night was Ryan Rauscher showing up. Ryan is the 17 year old son of my engine builder and friend Micheal of L&M engines. Ryan was in a terrible accident in Jan. and wasn't expected to live a day. His entire forehead and scalp was removed. He had severe brain injuries. When he showed up at the cruise I almost cried. Two years ago I introduced him to drag racing. He was the nicest kid in the world. I was almost speachless to see him walking around. He still needs a lot of mental therapy but it is a miricle that he's alive. This made the event the greatest for me. Thanx, Ray

Thanx to Chris at
Originally posted by phillyturbosix
Travis you WILL have that GN at Ray's fall event! :D :cool:

I should have her back together by next weekend, still waiting on my pipes:( :eek:

What a time I picked to do this:rolleyes: