Can someone tell me what that connector goes to? Buick pic 010. It has a Electronic climate.
This was my lil brother's car that we were working on together before he passed. The last moments that we spent together were pulling the motor out to convert over. He didn't know a whole lot about cars but he had always liked my T-type which I have owned since 1994. We found one locally and started working on it. It took me several months to approach the car again after his death. He still had some of his things in it like clothes and a few fishing poles and some toys for his son. We were planning to attend the Bowling Green event in 2005 but he passed a few days before on the 18th of2005. I finally finished it this year and now it's whistling down the road. This is a contribute to him. He was very proud of this car.
This was my lil brother's car that we were working on together before he passed. The last moments that we spent together were pulling the motor out to convert over. He didn't know a whole lot about cars but he had always liked my T-type which I have owned since 1994. We found one locally and started working on it. It took me several months to approach the car again after his death. He still had some of his things in it like clothes and a few fishing poles and some toys for his son. We were planning to attend the Bowling Green event in 2005 but he passed a few days before on the 18th of2005. I finally finished it this year and now it's whistling down the road. This is a contribute to him. He was very proud of this car.