Pictures of the new G-Body TSO Car

The car is not a bracket car, it's an outlaw car. I was fairly successful bracketing the car last year making it into the semi’s both times I raced it in Q-16 but it’s just not that fun. It’s too much work needing to sand-bag and lift so you can beat a V8 car by a bumper because he’s going to run the number every time. It’s way more fun running the car balls-out against another 8-second outlaw car. It's not worth towing 16 hours for that. Besides, the esteemed Jimbo Rogers stated publicly on the other board that he would not have allowed the car to race anyway, even if I had not been DQ'd. Pretty nice of him. If you look at the many posts on this, it was pretty clear in the end he got b!itch slapped by the management for his antics and decided to back off. Too late, damage was already done. Brian at G-Body had already made his decision not to go to BG as a vendor but instead go to the other Buick events. Very sad, I had even stated I would have become a member so I could race the car, guess that's not happening now. Typical G-S-C-A BS!

I only mentioned the bracket racing so you can get some passes in, otherwise i understand where your coming from.
I thought all the b.s. might be behind everyone by now, but guess not....too bad.
Good luck with the car!
I only mentioned the bracket racing so you can get some passes in, otherwise i understand where your coming from.
I thought all the b.s. might be behind everyone by now, but guess not....too bad.
Good luck with the car!

It is truly sad. I know I’ve certainly not been the model **** citizen over the years. I tried over the past year or two, I think lots of us have tried. I was hoping that by me attending the Nats with a small crew pitted in the G-Body section was going to help. I had already promised Brian as well as let it be known to the **** elite that I wasn't going there to start crap, I was even planning to remove the "Triple R" sticker from my truck. I thought all was going well before the BS started. It's funny what money can do to people. I had thought I personally had made headway with some of the **** elite over the past year or two but I guess not. At least now I know that all the BS they have said to us about coming down and burying the hatchet was just that, BS. We tried, we were knocked down, now we truly know where we stand. They've lost membership and attendance over the years, now they've lost a long time big vendor with G-Body’s departure. Hope they are happy with themselves. It truly is a sad ordeal...

Yeah !! that's one behind mounted car instead of front mount intercooler !! :biggrin: Good luck guys !! :biggrin:
That's pretty damn funny! Thanks for the luck!

Competition in the points series is going to be tough. I think you're going to see only 8-second cars after round one. The majority of the cars I know that are competing are all 8-second contenders. Should make for a really exciting points series.

I saw the car today, man is it sweet:biggrin: That intercooler is bigger in person:eek:
I saw the car today, man is it sweet:biggrin: That intercooler is bigger in person:eek:
Yeah, that was pretty much the response I got at Norwalk last year when I debuted the prototype intercooler to the Buick community.

I'm jealous, I'm dying to see the car! I want even more to take it down the track with the new suspension and power plant!
