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Pictures won't load


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Well-Known Member
TurboBuick.Com Supporter!
Nov 30, 2009
I tried to post pictures like I have in the past and now keep getting " file to large for server to process " . This is from my phone and a camera , same message .
I get that now too, but my IPhone 6S offers different sizes so I tap Large instead of Actual size.
When it first did that I figured I’d have to choose a pixel count or a DPI rating or something and I have no idea what that those are.
I've been posting pictures for years with no problems with the same camera & phone . Hope this get fixed .

Seems to be working now

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just tried again , no go phone or camera ...... File to big for server to process . Size , 3264 KB
Anyone know what's going on ??
This is still a problem least for myself . I would like to post pictures to help other members with problems but can't . Is this how it's going to be from now on ??? Any response from Admin would would be nice . Thanks , Sam
This is still a problem least for myself . I would like to post pictures to help other members with problems but can't . Is this how it's going to be from now on ??? Any response from Admin would would be nice . Thanks , Sam

I'm still having issues as well with just about all file sizes, prior to the fire I could attached most photos. What I did to combat the problem ,was to download a photo compress app ,that has been working fine for over 2 months. Download the app, go to your gallery, choose what photos you want to compress ,then attached and send.
I'm still having issues as well with just about all file sizes, prior to the fire I could attached most photos. What I did to combat the problem ,was to download a photo compress app ,that has been working fine for over 2 months. Download the app, go to your gallery, choose what photos you want to compress ,then attached and send
These are pictures off of my digital camera on a SD card loaded from my laptop .
Muntant X side picture.jpg

Humm, works for me. That's the old Muntant X that went to Ct. and was rebuilt by Mark Hueffman.
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Whoops... Good luck with that, I think I tried every way possible to download from camara SD card to a file, storage and attached, but received same message * file to large* .Little extra work via camera on phone but you can post photos with a compressor photo app.
Whoops... Good luck with that, I think I tried every way possible to download from camara SD card to a file, storage and attached, but received same message * file to large* .Little extra work via camera on phone but you can post photos with a compressor photo app.
Just wondered what happened as I have a lot of pictures on my SD cards and it was easy for me to find & post them . Still no response as to why !!
Just wondered what happened as I have a lot of pictures on my SD cards and it was easy for me to find & post them . Still no response as to why !!
I'm no.... IT Guy, but I would speculate when the administration changed server, some domains are having issues adapting. But I agree it doesn't make sense, and where not the only ones having this problem.
Another related topic, does everybody have an issue seeing posted pictures in the threads from over a year or more ago? Majority of pictures do not show up on my end.
Another related topic, does everybody have an issue seeing posted pictures in the threads from over a year or more ago? Majority of pictures do not show up on my end.
Most images where lost in the fire prior to October, 2019. Admin posted earlier this year there may be some info saved that can be retrieved in the new server but no new updates recently.
website owner seems to have made a change these past few months regarding picture uploads. shane had said on other threads, the 3rd party source he has looking over the site's database to determine if anything is recoverable also noted the sheer size of the website database was very large.

then there was another thread whereas shane noted his thoughts and members provided their input for how long historical threads should be available before being purged; how long to keep the marketplace listings; and so on. that thread was never made a sticky, so it's buried on the back pages by now.

currently, it seems pics have to be about 1MB or less in file size to be uploaded. so change your camera settings accordingly or photoshop your old pics to save as a copy with a smaller file size (image quality).

would have been a good idea for this new policy to be communicated to the members so that there aren't so many threads asking why pics would not upload to the site. :rolleyes:
The way I've been getting mine to load is First I upload them to my computer, then I open the photo, then you look up at the top left corner you'll see options. Hit the "Open" option, then you want to hit "Paint", the picture may look Super Large, what you want to do next is hit the tab "Resize", then just resize it to like 30% and save it. Then they should work after that.....Have Fun / Black Beauty vs White Beauty Hmmmmm
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I've never run anything as important as a website but I store over 50TB of data at my own home. My important stuff is backed up daily to an online service, and then I have 2 more physical backups one of which is located off site and synchronized on a regular schedule. I just dont understand how data loss like this can occur. Im a network engineer at a hospital and I guess I'm just too spoiled by dual datacenter / multiple backup and disaster recovery schemes.