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Pictures won't load


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Hello. So, I just read all the posts relating to "not being able to upload/post pictures on the website." What is being done to remedy the situation? Seems like has been going on for a while. Someone needs to pick up the ball and run with it. Thanks...
How many times do I have to request for some feedback regarding issue? W.T.F. ! Doesn't anybody care, I guess not.
Works fine if sized appropriately.

Try 1MB or smaller.

Works fine if sized appropriately.

Try 1MB or smaller.

View attachment 394669
Hello. Thanks for the response. How do you reduce amount? The pictures are all 2 to 3 MB . P.S. why isn't someone who knows what the problem is, reaching out to me, instead of a concerned member? Where are you I.T. people??? I'm talking to you. Do something.
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If the pictures are on your phone , I found it easier to pull up the picture on your phone then take a screen shot of it , then post the screen shot . That's what I have been doing instead of resizing them through an app . It would be nice to not have to go through all of that .
I message my pics from phone to e-mail, download to desktop, size & post. Probably more steps than necessary, but that's what works for me. I prefer using a computer vs. the phone. Big screen, big buttons, etc.
On my Samsung Galaxy its fairly simple.
Snap Pic
Open Pic
Tap the EDIT icon
Choose RESIZE IMAGE ( I use 20%)

At that point it's ready to be uploaded. The above process takes about 5 seconds.
Thanks for all your support. I appreciate it. All my pictures are on my computer. They were either taken with a digital camara a few years ago, or with Android phone, then transferred/imported to PC. When I write an e-mail or text someone, I look at "stored pictures," hit "attach," and it's gone! I never get" File to Large!" I've sent 4 or 5 pictures with e-mails and or text messages, and never had a problem. It should not be this complicated. Something is wrong here and nobody is stepping up to fix it. Who handles web related problems on this site!" Do your job!" If for some reason It cannot be fixed, then at least have the decency to reply to my posts.
Appropriate sizing is on you. Quit your bitching & be grateful you even have a forum to enjoy.
On my Samsung Galaxy its fairly simple.
Snap Pic
Open Pic
Tap the EDIT icon
Choose RESIZE IMAGE ( I use 20%)

At that point it's ready to be uploaded. The above process takes about 5 seconds.
My Galaxy S8 doesn't have that " feature " but my wife's newer phone does . I'm on my laptop most of the time that's why it's a pain to have to resize everything . The fact that there is probably 1/4th the traffic we use to have on this site , maybe the picture size could be increased and not use too much data space .
As soon as I can get the ball rolling, we're moving the board to what I hope will be its final home and once that happens, I can start working on some of these issues. We had someone doing a lot of work on the back end and he kind of just vanished so a lot of database stuff is half done.
Appropriate sizing is on you. Quit your bitching & be grateful you even have a forum to enjoy.
How can I enjoy forum when I can't upload pictures. I shouldn't have to "resize" anything. That's a pretty lame reply, not constructive at all! Try putting a little thought into it next time, give me something I can work with, not idiotic responses. You know what they say, if you don't have anything intelligent to say, then don't say anything at all. P.S. "We still have a problem uploading pictures!" Somebody has to have an idea as to what is wrong. Thanks very much.
@brandnu6 I agree it can be frustrating when the board doesn't do what you expect. Keep in mind that the board is free for all of us. There is someone in a dark closet spending their free time keeping this place running. It would be awesome to get some improvements here, but that takes more time and more money than what's available today.
I have to wait until we move hosters to start fixing things for various technical reasons. As soon as thats done, I can start getting things back in shape.
@brandnu6 I agree it can be frustrating when the board doesn't do what you expect. Keep in mind that the board is free for all of us. There is someone in a dark closet spending their free time keeping this place running. It would be awesome to get some improvements here, but that takes more time and more money than what's available today.
Understood. Thanks.