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Pl log


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I fixed the link for you.

On the pl log voltage is a little low.

At the very top of the run, you o2 millivolts start to drop off.

Need to get the map signal hooked up so we can see boost.
Thanks Rick. Yeah I need to hook the pl to the map senser but the guage was reading right at 25 psi. Why would the o2's be dropping? Fuel pump?
Be hard to tell without knowing your setup. Running a stock MAF? Usually the O2 volts will start dropping off during a run if the MAF is topped out and is unable to add fuel as the run progresses. I used to see that all the time, until I got an Extender chip and updated MAF.
I'm running a LT1 maf with a TT chip.

Which still has the 255 limit. But.... there should be a way in that chip to increase fueling after the maf tops out. At least that's what I'm told.
Yea it looks like at the very end of the run the o2s dip down.

Everything else looks pretty good. Shows that your VSS only reads 102 when you ran 111, prob from a tire size change but the TT chip does use the VSS to vary timing if Im correct.
Yea it looks like at the very end of the run the o2s dip down.

Everything else looks pretty good. Shows that your VSS only reads 102 when you ran 111, prob from a tire size change but the TT chip does use the VSS to vary timing if Im correct.

Yeah I'm running a 28" tire. Is there anyway I can adjust that so the mph is correct?