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Ran outta hand cleaner
May 27, 2001
Well...I got the car all ready to start up...I hook everything a lil oil pressure first then connect all the wires to the plugs...and...NO START

I did the 87 ignition modlue / coil pack conversion - and I checked all the connections. The instructions on the turbo regal site are very confusing though (to say the least). New everything on the car just about. Car rolls over but no spark (pulled a plug and rolled the motor over to verify this) and seems there is no gas on the plugs...after rolling it over several times... I checked the rail...and there is 35 - 38 PSI after I turn the key...but when I start it the pressure stays the same...should I not see the gauge move (even slightly) if the injectors are working (injectors have been cleaned and flow tested before install) ? Also, my coolant temp sensor is broken...(the 2 prong plug right?). Would this cause a there is no coolant or rad in the motor yet (I was just seeing if it would start - dont worry)...could this also be it ???

Sorry for the long post guys but I am lost here.... No spark + no gas...seems strange

HELP !!!!!!
Check it

My buddies 84 t would not start yesterday because his cam sensor was a little off.We did not think it would matter but it did.Check the cam sensor adjustment.
Did you use a harness (plug and play) or splice (cut and pray) for hooking up the new module? If you spliced, check and re-check. Check all of the fuses under the dash, verify the cam sensor and make sure the crank sensor is still in one piece.

I don't think the coolant sensor will make any problems as far as starting goes, but fix that the post about coolant sensors.

Are you sure the cam and crank sensors are plugged into the correct plugs on the main harness? Is the crank sensor aligned properly?
Originally posted by HOTSIX
Also, my coolant temp sensor is broken...(the 2 prong plug right?). Would this cause a there is no coolant or rad in the motor yet (I was just seeing if it would start - dont worry)...could this also be it ???

ok..first off lets not kill a motor! put the rad. and Coolent in...after that put in a temp sensor or plug what ever you need to fix it!

With the Temp sensor un plugged it is telling the car that it is -40 Degrees outside and the car should run like it...crappy!

Just wait a little bit, and in doing that it will save you money, and frustration!
The unplugged coolant temp sensor will make it very hard to start but won't cause no spark or fuel. Check cam and crank sensors. Make sure you didn't plug the cam sensor into one of the injector plugs. You did plug the ECM in, right?
Okay.... I checked the sensor connections...all OK

I did use the cut and pray method for the new harness...that was dumb. I dont consider the 3 (????) (I thought we only were dealing with 2 different cars here 84-85 + 86-87' why are there 3 charts !!!!!!!!) charts on the gnttype site to be reliable or very accurate now. No offense to the guy that took the time to post them. (Anyone here ever use the charts or complete this switch using cut and pray ???) Some of the wires are described as being different colours in them no matter which chart u use. I kept the old harness and snipped leaving enough wire so I could re-use it.

I guess my only option is to re-solder the old one on and maybe plug it in to the old coil pack and module... try and start her then. What you guys think ?

87 Coil pack + 87 module = brand new. Crank sensor = brand new Cam sensor = set it dead on.
Picking up new CTS tonight at dealer.

If I try the old coil pack and module on I need to re-set the cam sensor ? I am guessin I will do it anyways if I do it tonight !!!
i used the charts to install my type2 coilpack and problems,it fired off first can get confusing tho...

casper's electronics has new ccci modules(the big plug that goes onto your module)and plug and play adapter harnesses for swapping in 87 coilpacks/modules.

later,sean stressed. I tried the old harness plug back on it...put the old coil and modlue in...and no go. It ran when I got it in the fall, rough..but it ran. Pulled a plug (#1) and it seemed to have a lil gas on it..

All my fuses are good and crank sensor is new and still in one piece. I was thinking it might be possibe that when I set the cam setting the #1 cyl to 25 deg ATDC on compression stroke...I might not have hit compression stroke but exhaust stroke. That would make cam sensor wrong ......yes ?

Whats the easiest way to find compression stroke on #1 cyl ? I just put my finger over plug hole and when it pushes it off...there ya go...then I adv crank to correct spot (as described on gnttype site).

Anyone have any suggestions ? :confused: