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Poor California members SUKS to be you


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Active Member
Jun 2, 2002
Man how do you poor souls on the west coast make it by to live?

I was just listening to an internet radio station hearing the money you guys & gals will be forking over to the state.

Soon a 9.75 sales tax YIKES! another 12 cents in gas tax, Vehicle liscense fee for a car is doubling. PHEW!

What else it the GOVANATOR going to do to you?
What else it the GOVANATOR going to do to you?

Don't look now:

From Yahoo News:
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Federal judges on Monday tentatively ordered California to release tens of thousands of inmates, up to a third of all prisoners, in the next three years to stop dangerous overcrowding.
So overcrowding is more dangerous than releasing them to society?
Don't forget the millions the taxpayers are going to have to fork over for that crazy loon Angelina Jolie wannabe who just had the OCTuplets. :eek:
Don't forget the millions the taxpayers are going to have to fork over for that crazy loon Angelina Jolie wannabe who just had the OCTuplets. :eek:

the hospital is goin after the state for the $800k hospital bill :eek: Guess who is REALLY paying for it :mad: Oh ya.. the smart bitch put up a web site to take "donations" to help her out :rolleyes: What a great country we live in :frown:
the hospital is goin after the state for the $800k hospital bill :eek: Guess who is REALLY paying for it :mad: Oh ya.. the smart bitch put up a web site to take "donations" to help her out :rolleyes: What a great country we live in :frown:

Hopefully Obama has it figured out. :biggrin:
ahhhh.. She isn't goin to just stay home and take care of her "villiage" ... NO NO NO she isn't getting a ******* job she is goin back to college ..again ..on who's $$$$ :mad:
"In the NBC interview, Suleman said she will go back to California State University, Fullerton in the fall to complete her master's degree in counseling, and will use student loans to support her children. She already owes $50,000 in student loans, she told NBC. She said she will rely on the school's daycare center and volunteers. "

what a joke !!! :rolleyes:
They should make the money grubbing Dr that put the eggs in her to pay for all her expenses. He's the one that "enabled" her scheme. She's sick and all her kids should be taken away from her.:mad:
Anyway that we see it she will proably get her loans paid for her,and everything else.She will get a free ride and be very popular MILF!!!!
I remember a Colony who broke away from the English because of over taxation... WTF... :confused:
the hospital is goin after the state for the $800k hospital bill :eek: Guess who is REALLY paying for it :mad: Oh ya.. the smart bitch put up a web site to take "donations" to help her out :rolleyes: What a great country we live in :frown:

Here's her site: I left her a message wanting a little advice...see below

My wife I have no children but have been trying for three years. I have a job where I work 10 hours a day. I pay taxes, paid off all my credit cards, paid off my car and all my bills and cannot afford in vitro. Please tell me how she did it so I can get with the program. We are unable to get government assistance because we do not qualify (I guess I make too much money???). Should I leave my wife, quit my job and have my wife move in with her parents? Please help us!
What an awesome response on that website! :biggrin: Cal State Fullerton is just up the freeway from my office; we have a couple of CSUF alums here. The ladies in our office are disgusted by the whole thing.

Once she gets that master's in counseling (and eventually gets her counsling license, which will cost more $$$) her first paying patient ought to be herself. ("So self, we need to process these why you're a whacked out bit(h...")

New Surreal TV show: This lady and her cult brood + Terrell Owens.

EDIT: I just checked the website Warp6 can make a donation and/or leave a comment, but you can't view any comments. That would be worth diamonds!