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Power Master brake system!!


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Bruce here....been a little sick......Guy, you did your best....I''ll back up your generous offer to Bob...That was just an amazing, nice thing to offer, Guy. Jeez, what a nice are such an inspiration to us here, especially me.....thanks for doing that for him.......Don't know why Bob had to act that way...amazes me sometimes how quickly some folks just fly off the handle so.....CALM DOWN, BOB!!!!.......sorry I got back on here late.....missed everything.....little sick for some reason....dizzy, could not walk a straight line (no, no! I haven't been drinking) Just don't know what in hell was wrong.....had to get some bed rest (Wifey's orders!):mad:

Feeling somewhat better now.....still can't figure out what it was.....really, really aggravated me being in that condition.....pissed me off. Maybe I've hit that self titled "Slide to Death" know, it's when a person "peaks" in life, then after that it's all a downhill slide from there......I hate that I've started thinking that way....."THE SLIDE TO DEATH." Hmm. Maybe I'll go have a Mydol or something. o_O

Maybe it was a good thing for me to miss out on the Powermaster, as I just got two bills a few days ago both totaling $900!:eek: HAVE to pay them on the Powermaster would have been a little hard on me at this point......

Hopefully, Quick6'n'K.C. will have a good unit for me at a later date....I was really trying to get one in the great condition with the Cardone accumulator like the original poster showed in his pictures. Sort of looking for a real good one like that at that price....but, as I said, with those two bills that came it, it was sort of a blessing to I'll have to wait.

You, TurboTGuy are to be commended for your generous offer to don't see that too much now days.....I salute you and I respect you greatly......don't ever change, good buddy. Capiche? Stay the postive example you are to all of us dweebs here on this several others are also.

Bruce '87 Grand National

Not to poop on your thread Moky, but OK guys, I'm officially out.

My offer was to GIVE Rude Bob a PM and accumulator ball and even pay for shipping. Bruce will verify my offer.

Now, well ..... Now I'm gonna trade one of my extra units to my builder for some work.

That leaves me just one backup and I'm keeping it for myself.

So much for being a nice guy.

Good luck to all ya'all.

You're still using a Powermaster? I thought that you switched to a vacuum conversion like all the rest of the smart people here have.

If I can still move a little and not get stuck under the dashboard, I'm kind of considering doing this procedure myself.....My GN has had three Powermaster failures in it's life.....that's three too many......I've got my Powermaster off the GN right now, have rebuilt all the brakes, replaced all worn parts, new brass combination valve replaced, etc. so maybe it would make good sense to get a vacuum unit for safety.

Last time that damn Powermaster failed, it was leaking at the rear of the master cylinder, then the accumulator quit right while I was leaving the hospital after visiting my dying father.....a 100 mile drive home with hard, HARD brakes was no fun.

What do you think, Guy, should I convert to vacuum now and just save the Powermaster for my wife's future husband when I die?:p

Bruce '87 Grand National
Maybe the seller has 2 power masters I don't know
Which ever one of you two needs one when all ^^^^^-------- that is squared away. Please contact me

Bryan....I didn't forget your generous offer on a Powermaster....I want to thank you kindly for that. As I told Guy, I just got two big bills I've got to pay on maybe this was a blessing in disguise.

You seem to have a negative attitude towards Powermasters....and I can sympathize with you on that....have you converted yours to vacuum?

The only problem I would have with doing that to my GN is getting the damn pedal off and installing the new hands are hard would it be for me to install the correct pedal up there?

Other than that, installing a vacuum system would not be any trouble for me......I've been seriously thinking about it for a long time after reading all the posts on this forum for years about all the trouble Powermasters have caused and how unsafe they can be.....what do you think, should I convert?

Again, Bryan, thanks for your offer....and by the way, I'm such a dweeb I don't know how to text.....the procedure exists on my cell phone, but I've failed every time I've tried to do it so I said the hell with it, and just called the person......jeez, I'm just too damn old.

Bruce '87 Grand National
To convert to vacuum isn't really that bad, yes I've done a few of them

It's a whole lot easier to stuff yourself under the dash with a electric impact, some sockets, extensions and a helper buddy to fetch tools

I would convert to vacuum on everyone of these damn buicks! 200.00 for a new vacuum ball!?!??!!!
You can buy a new master cylinder brake booster and fluid for that price lol
I pulled my spare power master off the shelf, says bad ball on the accumulator. Guess they all die at some point
To convert to vacuum isn't really that bad, yes I've done a few of them

It's a whole lot easier to stuff yourself under the dash with a electric impact, some sockets, extensions and a helper buddy to fetch tools

I would convert to vacuum on everyone of these damn buicks! 200.00 for a new vacuum ball!?!??!!!
You can buy a new master cylinder brake booster and fluid for that price lol
I pulled my spare power master off the shelf, says bad ball on the accumulator. Guess they all die at some point

Thanks, Bryan, for your do make a lot of logical sense.....I'm getting the gist that I'm better off with a vacuum system.....and safer. Thanks!

Bruce '87 Grand National
I'll take it.....let me know how much to ship to 22508. I'll do PayPal, check, money order, whatever you'd like.

Will get back on here late tonight....28 September, Wednesday...... Hold it for me. Thanks. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.(y)

Bruce '87 Grand National
you will be happy to know that the power master that we were all fighting over, IS JUNK!!!!! spent $300 for mechanic to swap twice!! bad karma bit me in the ass!!