Update: Received Eric's new PL board today. Installed it and issue happened first WOT blast. Figured I would swallow my pride and go buy the special Goof Off stuff that is written in the instructions (20 miles each way) and give the connector another clean. I previously used acetone and thought it was clean. Re-installed, same issue. The car lost the tune during one of these glitches. This was only like the 2nd time that the tune reset after one of these issues. Drove back to the shop and spent the rest of the evening tracing power / ground as I've been told numerous times. Performed voltage drop tests on both ING 12V as well as the long term memory circuit, and both ECM grounds. Loaded each circuit with a headlamp test fixture that I have made for troubleshooting electrical problems in the past. Nothing interesting found. Used a second person to monitor voltages while second person pulled, tugged, and twisted on all grounds and power wires as well as body connectors. Everything perfect. I didn't expect to find anything as the issue only happens with PL connected to the ECM. My last test was done using my Fluke 87V on the MIN/MAX PEAK mode which allows you to monitor a signal and it will catch glitches down to 250uS (0.000250 seconds). I was monitoring for the min voltage but by this time I only got in 4-5 WOT blasts. Its 32 degrees here and started raining. The bald Nitto DR's are downright scary on 32 degree wet road. My next plan of action is to try my old set of wires tomorrow (as well as keep monitoring power & ground), and after that I guess I will run a separate power and ground from the battery to the ECM as has been suggested (although no testing supports this theory in my case, its not that hard to try).
On an unrelated issue, I thought I had a tune somewhat close yet still conservative. After getting a few PL blasts today while troubleshooting I noticed a ton of KR after lifting off the throttle due to severe traction loss (wet road) followed by mashing it again. like 9-13 degrees KR. Is this bad? It was only immediately after lifting off the throttle. I have no KR under WOT, off to search.....