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PTS Blue Plate Special


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Clay Thompson

New Member
Feb 3, 2002
Late last year I received my PTS Xtreme 200R4 in its mini-coffin shipping box. I ordered the best-of-everything, absolutely-unbreakable, Bruce-in-a-box model.

For the last two months I’ve burned tires, downshifted, upshifted, slipped and slammed and generally tried to gouge the payment up with my rear tires. I’ve personally built three 2004Rs with PTS parts and help from Bruce and the TB Board and I thought they worked damn well. But this PTS 200R4 is the REAL DEAL.

You tight-ass whiners that spend 20 grand on the engine and then ckimp on a get-by, second-class “performance” trannie need to set aside some of your motor bucks for one of these PTS Blue Plate Specials. Only then will you know the Force.

Way to go and keep up the great work to Bruce, Mark and the rest of the PTS team!
Tough too. I slammed 560 lb/ft of torque @ 3400 RPM and 548 HP @6300 to the rear wheels last Saturday on the Chassis Dyno through a Bruce tranny. At the flywheel, on motor alone, I am now at 687ish HP and a tic over 700 in Torque. On top of this I have blown through mutiple bottles of nitrous jetted around 130-150.

One tough mutha tranny, and I have had it now for 2 maybe 3 years I think?? It has been pretty intense on maintenance as well. this summer I changed the fluid cause I felt guilty. I could have poured the old stuff into my mother in laws Furd and not felt bad about it at all. :D
chimp = skimp

TB needs a spell check, I guess.

Not an intentional dig, Freudian slip maybe so skip the witch hunt 1sadwe4.

Just sending well deserved kudos to the folks at PTS who paved the way for all of us 200R4 users to get to where we are today.
Re: chimp = skimp

Originally posted by Clay Thompson
TB needs a spell check, I guess.

Not an intentional dig, Freudian slip maybe so skip the witch hunt 1sadwe4.

Just sending well deserved kudos to the folks at PTS who paved the way for all of us 200R4 users to get to where we are today.
Is that why they call them the Tranny Gods? :confused:
A very long track

I run the standing mile at Maxton, NC with an old restored Chevy--a barn door. Could only muster 113 mph with a mildly souped 283, I was at 103 mph at the half-mile marker.

I did a horsepower requirements calculation to reach 200 mph with my frontal area/rolling resistance/etc.--1000 hp required. So I switched over to a 500 Cadillac engine but I had so many technical problems my first and only time at Maxton with the 500 that I prefer not to post my speed. One problem was that the 2004R--one I rebuilt--would not shift into fourth within the mile so I could not use the lockup to pull my speed up at the end. Entirely different than quarter mile racing, which is half what I did during most of my misspent youth.

I'm going back in March or April to see how much difference a properly calibrated 2004R can add to my speed with the same engine and then I going to start a 500 Caddy engine building effort.

I have never seen a Turbo Buick run at Maxton. One of you TB guys ought to come down and see what one would do.

I'm only semi-serious about Maxton--I have higher priority projects--but Maxton gives me in an occasional dose of speed.