Question about Extender chip from MM(Ramchargers)...


Active Member
May 25, 2001
Can the patch for the extender option be put into another guru's(vendors) chip??? I have a Joe Lubrant street and a JL race chip...I was wondering if it would be possible to have the extender patch(?) added to them??? Or is it strictly a MM(Ramchargers) only type of thing??? Thanks for any info/answers anyone can give...
Extender isn't exactly a patch. It's a major re-write of the code.

But no, it's an exclusive, and as such cannot be added to anyone else's chip.
I fyou have the T+ already you should highly consider getting the Extender chip anyways. Bob makes an awesome chip and it is packed with "extra features" you won't find in most other chips. You won't regret it. :)
Currently I "ONLY " have the Translator...but in the future, I plan on getting the plus version...then I most likely will get the extender chip at the same time...
Originally posted by FJM568
Currently I "ONLY " have the Translator...but in the future, I plan on getting the plus version...then I most likely will get the extender chip at the same time...

The Extender chip can benefit you now as well. You don't have to wait until you get the T+. All the Plus adds is timing control. Try it, you'll like it. :)
Gotta wait...Need top get my job back...Been laid off since the first of the year... :( Here's your layoff notice, Happy New Year!!! :eek: :mad:

Now if I could just get my motor back together and running again, I would feel a whole lot better about being off of work...