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quick propane question!


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cookin with propane
May 27, 2001
hey guys.. are you all drilling a hole in the firewall for the pro pain command center boost signal line?

its kinda big so its not going to fit through the speedo grommet with the 12 other wires already coming through.. just wondered if there was any way to do it w/o drilling.. if not ill probably just drill thru right beside the speedo grommet.

thanks guys!
Why do it the hard way? You DO have a boost gauge inside the car already, don't you? Perhaps hanging on your a-pillar? Just T into that line. No need to run 2 lines inside, you already ran one and did the hard work...just hook onto it now. :)

If you don't have a boost gauge in the car..... :eek: WHAT IN THE H-E-DOUBLE-HOCKEYSTICKS ARE YOU THINKING MAN?!?!? :D

I think he's having the same problem I did

My boost gauge uses that tiny plastic line and it can't be readily t'd into without using the little fittings.Luckily I had a piece thayt has a siple hose fitting and 2 oil line type fittings that worked well to tap in witou sliding tiny rubber hose over plastic oil pressure gauge line.Any come up witjh something easier?
Rubber vacuum tubing over the plastic line works fine just be sure to zip tie things...they won't come apart after that and if your still not sure I believe some others have applied a little super glue to the connection prior to zip tie.
hehe im not nuts dan, my boost gauge uses itty bitty nylon line too, i didnt know you could just T into that.. i guess ill be doing that in a few minutes! i tried to re-wire all of my gauges neatly and jacked somethign up severely (when they stole my car they ripped out all my nice wiring jobs.. so i just did them quick when i got it back)

while i was outside i blew into the hose to activate the solenoids... figured if i didnt get a response i could always just hold the tube in my mouth and blow when i needed propane :D

thanks guys, ill get some superglue and some vac line..