Race Car Parting Out!!!!!

its the one SMC sells and works great. It come with everything you need to install except an o2 bung in your header near where your stock o2 goes.
Hi,Where are you located?,How much would you sell body and frame for??
Let me know this is one thing im looking for,Look forward to hearing from you.
John Alstrand
Sorry I already have 4 guys in front of you for body and frame. I'm not sure on price for body yet. I will post a price up soon.
Thanks Doug

BTW I'm in Atl.
Allright heres how it goes. I got a pm from an irate member who says he asked about an item first and was very rude. As you can see I posted sold to blackshoebox pending payment Now this guy is giving me crap because I sold it to blackshoebox first when he was first to say I'LL TAKE IT. This other member has no idea when I received a pm from blackshoebox.

So I will sell to first to say i'll take it. If payment dosent come through then I will post for sale again. If this dosent seem fair to someone I apologize.

If any of you have ever posted multiple items for sale then you understand the 40 plus pm's not to mention all the posts that need to be answered. I will do my best to keep up with whos first but asking about an item does not insure its yours confirming the sale does.It' not all about the money, If you say I'll take it then I'll take your word you'll send the money.

Thanks for letting me vent.
Why Dont You Tell It Like It Is Rosewood

I Made You An Offer On A Part You Accepted The Offer, That To Me Is A Deal You Must Come From Gypsyland , You Say Its Not About The Money Thats Total Bull$hit I Told You Ill Take It For A Certain Price And You Accepted It That To Me And A Lot Of Other People Is Considered A Deal, Way Before You Even Posted That Someone Else Wanted Or WaS Pending Payment

If You Told Me Someone Else Was Interested In It At The Same Time Would Have Been The Decent Thing To Do, But I Did Inquire About It First
Ok 1000 I did not mention your name to spare you. You made an offer and I said i would accept and I didnt hear from you for 2 days. you never said I'll take it or anything even close to making it clear that you were sure.So in the future you should use clear english and say you want it or not to save yourself the hassle of this type of problem.
Just because you ask a ? about an item dosent put you first in line for it at least not in my book. I am the seller and you dont have access to my pm box so you cant possibly know who i talked to first.So I have the ability to sell or not to sell to whoever I want. I can decide I dont like somebody just because I dont like the color of their car or what state they live in or for any other reason I can think of. It's my parogative and I would appreciate it if you'd just go away.

Thanks Doug