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Boy Buick85

Apr 9, 2006
Just bought Razors kit and was wondering if any one has any pics of their setup. Specifically the nozzle setup:confused: . Any other advice is welcome aswell :D
I would be interested in this too, pics of everything would be great. If you don't mind me asking how much was the kit, it is not advertised on their site for HA cars.
I have the Razor kit installed on my 85GN. You cannot take a PIC of the nozzle because the nozzle is attached to turbo adapter between the intake and the turbo on the firewall side. The hose runs paralell to the firewall and the nozzle makes a right angle turn into the turbo adapter. The kit is the same as the one for the 86/87 except for a solinoid which I attached to the heater blower. I can send PICS of this. The solinoid only opens and allows Alky to blow when needed. Otherwise a Hot Air is would drain the Alky tank. I think I paid around $600 including the three bar MAP. The kit works great and take you time tuning with it. I stopped boost at 20 lbs on 93 octane no knock because I do not race. You can go higher.
Jerryl. Great post and PIC. That is exactly where Razor told me to put the nozzle. I recomend that questions like this go directly to Razor. Just call him as opposed to e-mail. Great guy and will walk any hot air guy through the process. Brad
Jerryl. Great post and PIC. That is exactly where Razor told me to put the nozzle. I recomend that questions like this go directly to Razor. Just call him as opposed to e-mail. Great guy and will walk any hot air guy through the process. Brad

IMO, you won't find a better kit or better service!
And he knows his stuff too!!

Boy Buick85, make sure when you drill the hole you do some measuring. Too high and the turbo won't seat all the way. Too low and the dapater will "float" in the intake. Do it once, do it right. I am around this weekend if you have questions.
OH and their most definitly will be questions:biggrin: , ill try and keep them to a minimum since it is so close to christmas. What ill do, is send them through your pm if thats okay with you. You said do some measureing:confused: Does the directions with the kit say where at..........oh wait of course NOT:rolleyes: lol . Well whats a know um...point of reference. I guess just as close to the middle as i can get it(the Nozzle) ???? :confused:
The best thing to do is to fit the turbo adapter into it's hole (without the turbo attached) in the intake and mark a line on the adapter where the intake stops and the adapter begins. Once you do that you can use the nozzle and the right angle connector to find where the hole should be drilled. Take your time on this part, if you get it wrong the adapter is pretty much toast unless you can find someone to weld up the hole you drilled. Razor's kit is awesome, but it took me two days to install it. Call or email Julio or post in the forum and someone will help you out.

Good Luck
Jerryl, On the pic in the other thread what holds the nozzle in place :confused: It looks like it is just pushed into a grommet, or is it threaded into the adapter ?
Jerryl, On the pic in the other thread what holds the nozzle in place :confused: It looks like it is just pushed into a grommet, or is it threaded into the adapter ?

Actually, the nozzle sits in the adapter (with metal/rubber washers) and screws onto a 90 deg elbow to "squish" the seals.
Here is a pic of the nozzle.


  • Alky Nozzle.jpg
    Alky Nozzle.jpg
    16 KB · Views: 385
Diff injection spot

Hey i was reading an older post for hot air alky and lee said that its possible to inject before the turbo, ie air inlet tube. If this does work, is their any advantages? Also what would be the advantage of injecting after the turbo straight into the intake as in what jerry has done??? I ask because it seems alot more painless to just drill a hole into my air intake :redface:

I Start putting the kit on my car tomorrow :smile: . ohhh yeah lee said that a drop in boost would happen, but would not be a problem if i had an adjustable wastegate ( WHICH I DO ). I really would like to know what the major differance is :confused:
I've heard of pre-turbo alky injection and considered it for a little bit, but decided on post turbo injection since I'm really wanting to cool down the air that the turbo is heating up.

As far as a drop in boost, I think that's only with the pre-turbo injection. I never noticed a drop in the post turbo injection.

Jerry will have to comment on drilling a hole into the intake itself. I can't understand how that would be easy since you'd have to insert the nozzle head through the inside of the intake.
It will cool if you inject either before or after the turbo. It goes in as a fine mist either way and it's the expansion from water to vapor that sucks up the heat. It won't expand before the turbo.

Injecting before the turbo has a lot of advantages (like not having to over boost), but it is feared that the water droplets will erode the impellers. This is true IF you don't use a very fine mist. Keep in mind that the carb/turbos suck fuel thru the turbo and handle that fine. I have used water/alcohol thru my turbo for two years now without a problem.

If you can inject before the throttle body (no vacuum), but after the MAF, then a simple windshild washer set up will do the trick for about $30.
BEFORE BLACK - Alcohol Injection
Hey i was reading an older post for hot air alky and lee said that its possible to inject before the turbo, ie air inlet tube. If this does work, is their any advantages? Also what would be the advantage of injecting after the turbo straight into the intake as in what jerry has done??? I ask because it seems alot more painless to just drill a hole into my air intake :redface:
........ I really would like to know what the major differance is :confused:

Will injecting alky pre-turbo work?
Absolutely! If Lee T says it does (in the other post), then so be it.
Note he also says that it MUST be a mist. Beside the corrosion factor (??), it is not a good thing to have a droplet contact an impeller spinning at 60,000 rpm. (Guestimate)
Now, if you have a system that can not overcome the boost pressure, and/or, increase alky with boost (making the alky % somewhat constant), yes, inject a FINE MIST pre-turbo.

Will it work if I add the nozzle in the intake?
Absolutely! Lee T has done this as well.

Why did I place it in the adapter?
Razor (The expert) told me. LOL
Seriously, after searching and thinking about nozzle placement for about 1.5 years, injecting below the turbo is the best place.
I had plenty of “other fancy @$$ ideas” ;) but was cautioned against it since servicing the nozzle for any reason would make is a bit more cumbersome. Now if you tear stuff off every year or month, than there are other options. I decided to “Do it once, do it right”.

You have purchased one of the best upgrades, and IMHO, the best alky kit available for these cars. Take the time to read and follow the advice from the designer/builder derived from countless hours of research and testing.
If you put your own system together (MANY have successfully), you pay less up front and do the research. If you get a “ready to go” kit, you pay more up front, for the research, etc.

I am not going to speak for any of the experts, but will guess to say that if the PAC was available when some of them were breaking new ground, they would have purchased a PAC unit, installed it after the turbo and called it a day.
It seems that most alky injection manufacturers direct the installs for post turbo injection on Hotair and IC'd cars. I'm sure there's some good reason behind that decision.
IC are placed after heat sources. Not before. The injection system is a chemical IC.

And once you start turning the volume up on the system we can start splitting hairs over how much can be pumped in preturbo. Post turbo.. crank'er up. So the question is at what volume amount does it become an issue with the turbo? Who wants to find out :redface:

Yes its more work, but in the scheme of things it will only have to be done once. The inline filter will negate having to service it, and the nozzle components themselves will outlive the car.

My advice, measure three times.. cut once.