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Razor's alky kit ?'s


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3.8L V-8 eater

Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Hi, to all

Just installed one of Julio's kits and I'm having problems..

When I turn on the key without doing anything else the "alky injection light" comes on and stays on till i turn off the key...Other trouble is with the "low alky light" wouldn't come on at all with no alky in the tank?? Unhooked wire tested it at the battery and it lit up fine..Hooked it back up and nothing?? I have the brown wire from the alky tank to the brown wire at the light and the red wire to the (+) on the alky kit's fuse block..Where does the ground come into play with this light?? I believe that's how the directions say to do it??
Hi, to all

Just installed one of Julio's kits and I'm having problems..

When I turn on the key without doing anything else the "alky injection light" comes on and stays on till i turn off the key...Other trouble is with the "low alky light" wouldn't come on at all with no alky in the tank?? Unhooked wire tested it at the battery and it lit up fine..Hooked it back up and nothing?? I have the brown wire from the alky tank to the brown wire at the light and the red wire to the (+) on the alky kit's fuse block..Where does the ground come into play with this light?? I believe that's how the directions say to do it??
The tank has a black wire with o-ring. That o-ring goes to ground by the battery on the fender. If you dont hookup that o-ring, the low level wont work. The LED has two wires red and tan. If red has power... the tan when it gets ground will light up the led. The ground comes from the float in the tank.. the float has two wires... tan and black. The black is the "ground". So if you want to test.. simply apply ground to the tan wire and see if the LED lights up. If it does.. its a tank problem=missing ground example. If it doesnt.. bad crimp on red or damaged LED.

The "power injection bulb" has a red and black wire... and is connected red to red on pump cable. Black to black on pump cable. You probably connected black to chassis ground. Do not connect black wire on power injection bulb to chassis. The black wire inside the pump cable "IS NOT A GROUND" . If you ground it... pump will run full speed.

Razor, I did ground the alky injection light to chassis ground and moved it to the black wire on the alky kit fuse block and it seems to work fine...The issue with the low alky light was that the float must have been stuck...Bought another LED light and now that works fine also.....

How long do you have to hold down the test button to stumble the motor??? I need to go get some alky in the morning and all that's left to do is fill it up and try it out.....

How long do you have to hold down the test button to stumble the motor??? I need to go get some alky in the morning and all that's left to do is fill it up and try it out.....

I have to hold the test button down for about 3-5 seconds before it is really apparent that the engine is getting flooded. If you do it often enough you will probably get a feel for when it just starts to stumble that way you don't wash the cylinders from oil.

I have to hold the test button down for about 3-5 seconds before it is really apparent that the engine is getting flooded. If you do it often enough you will probably get a feel for when it just starts to stumble that way you don't wash the cylinders from oil.


I'm thinking it must be designed to not inject much with the test button...My old SMC kit would stumble the motor after just a second or 2 and damn near shut the motor down, so I was wondering with this kit being progressive if it only injected a little...Based on your response it sounds like that might be the case.

I'm thinking it must be designed to not inject much with the test button...My old SMC kit would stumble the motor after just a second or 2 and damn near shut the motor down, so I was wondering with this kit being progressive if it only injected a little...Based on your response it sounds like that might be the case.


Depends where the gain is set, if you put the gain on 8, it will almost shut my motor down immediately if I push it at idle. Mine is set on 5, will stumble the motor hard after about 2 seconds.
Yup.. on position 8 it applies 3.8-4.0 volts to the pump. If it put 12 volts on the pump.. you'd hydro it. These pumps with 12 volts can produce over 200 PSI on the same M15 nozzle used by the SMC kit at 75 PSI.

And... the question was asked how long.. there is a huge difference between a kit that is completely dry and never used versus a kit fully primed up. On a dry kit it will take way longer to displace the air in the lines and pump. Versus a kit with liquid purged out and ready to go its instant.

Another way of purging is take the hose of the nozzle and put it into a container or cycle it back into the reservoir. Hit test until a steady stream comes out.. then simply hook the hose back up to nozzle and your ready to go.


Yup.. on position 8 it applies 3.8-4.0 volts to the pump. If it put 12 volts on the pump.. you'd hydro it. These pumps with 12 volts can produce over 200 PSI on the same M15 nozzle used by the SMC kit at 75 PSI.

And... the question was asked how long.. there is a huge difference between a kit that is completely dry and never used versus a kit fully primed up. On a dry kit it will take way longer to displace the air in the lines and pump. Versus a kit with liquid purged out and ready to go its instant.

Another way of purging is take the hose of the nozzle and put it into a container or cycle it back into the reservoir. Hit test until a steady stream comes out.. then simply hook the hose back up to nozzle and your ready to go.



Thanks razor took the car for a ride and boosted it up a bit and everything works great!! Once I got home from the maiden voyage it boggs the motor alot sooner than it did previously...All is good!!!
Thanks razor took the car for a ride and boosted it up a bit and everything works great!! Once I got home from the maiden voyage it boggs the motor alot sooner than it did previously...All is good!!!

It won't take many hits and you too will become an alkyholic!