rear-ended today, my vent thread


Apr 16, 2008
well, it happened. today i was rear-ended by a friend of mine. we were going down the road, and i heard tires squealing, so i was looking around for where the wreck was about to happen. turns out the 80+ year old man in front of me had thrown his dually into reverse as he was going down the road. the tires were sqealing, and then it started to fishtale, i saw and barely stopped. my friend behind me, however, knocked the freaking piss out of me. i came up out of the seat(had the seatbelt on too). i had managed to stop mere inches from the dually, well he knocked me on into it.
of coarse, i was in the grand national. the old man in front of me took off, my friend got a ticket for following too close, and i got a customized grand national.

at first the damage didn't look bad, but then i realized the driver side 1/4 panel has a big dent(like it buckled), i can't get the trunk open, and the body is hanging an extra inch or so over the driver side tire. so now i'm starting to think, that the super hard hit did some real damage.

he says we tend to see eye to eye on stuff, and this shouldn't effect our friendship. i know i could barely stop myself, but i sure wish he would have stopped and let the people behind him, hit him. and who knows about the 80 y/o putting it into reverse.
Well..the way I see it is that if the dude in front of you hadn't done what he did, than you wouldn't be in this situation. Don't blame your friend. Blame the dumb-ass in the dually.
yeah, deep down i know that. and i told my friend that i'd go to court and explian it to the judge for him also. but i'm still mad, not really at anyone, just mad it happened i guess.
Sorry to hear this. Is your GN the from some sort of theft recovery/restoration project where your father was the owner before, or am I thinking of another member? If so, then I'm sure there is much sentimental value to your car. Sorry again.
Having an assured clear distance ahead means being able to stop at anytime for any reason. Your friend didn't do that, so the accident is his fault regarless of the old man's actions in the dually. I don't know why you guys waited around for a police report, only thing that did was get your friend a ticket. You report the claim to his insurance company yet?
Sorry to hear this. Is your GN the from some sort of theft recovery/restoration project where your father was the owner before, or am I thinking of another member? If so, then I'm sure there is much sentimental value to your car. Sorry again.

yep, that's me.... and it's not looking great this morning, but i'm going to get some 2nd opinions.

i'm just glad he's got insurance that should cover it. bad thing is i was only needing paint to have it 100% finished, and had been talking with my insurance about agreed value. wonder what they are going to say or offer?
i could move over to a rolling chasis, but then i lose the un-opened (not even had the valve cover off) value of the #'s matching engine and trans (that i've been working very hard at not destroying).

aghhh, *deep breaths*
i'm not sure yet. with the tape measure- everything is within an 1/8 inch that i've checked. but looking at it, something isn't right. the passenger side has a crease from the trunk to the tire, but the driver side looks bent down from behind the tire.

and we didn't have any choice about the cops, they pretty much just showed up.

my back and neck aren't hurting, but both my arms and one wrist is. the steering wheel is bent, and it knocked the rearview down. and i still can't find the cigar lighter.
Crap luck. But everything happens for a reason no matter how stupid it seems. Fix her better than new.........
Just reading this thread upsets my stomach.I would have at least my the living **** out of your friend for being so close!!!!:mad: Well good luck with the situation hope it goes good.
Stuff happens!! I glad to here that everyone is ok. If your friend is a good true friend then i hope that he will be thier to help get the car fixed up and no resaon to be mad at each other. Your friends sit back and drink a cold one, and laugh at the stupidness, but just hope that he learned from the mistake. Good true friends are hard to find as we get older. Just put yourself in his shoes and that goes the other way too. If something like this happened to me i would have to say that a friendship is more important then a material thing. ;)
Stuff happens!! I glad to here that everyone is ok. If your friend is a good true friend then i hope that he will be thier to help get the car fixed up and no resaon to be mad at each other. Your friends sit back and drink a cold one, and laugh at the stupidness, but just hope that he learned from the mistake. Good true friends are hard to find as we get older. Just put yourself in his shoes and that goes the other way too. If something like this happened to me i would have to say that a friendship is more important then a material thing. ;)

yeah, i just left his house. he said he told the insurance company we are friends. i may have to fight them, but he says he'll be there for it.
Doo, doo happens when you aren't paying attention but at least you're not being sued because you own the car. He feels reeeeeeally bad so don't be too hard on him, he knows he screwed up.

My wife (before she's my ex-wife) and her boyfriend (I did not know he was her boyfriend until after the divorce, they met at the college she was attending, he was 10 years younger than her and the affair was going on for 6 months) staged an accident where she hits him from behind in my flawless 74 Apollo (she had just totaled my 69 SS a couple of months earlier). I know, I know I'm an idiot for letting her drive it but love does stupid things to a guy. He collects pain and suffering, loss of work and gets a new car out of the deal and I'm left with another pile of junk in the driveway (no collision).

Here's the good part. She divorces me and they move into the new house he buys with the insurance money.
