Rear filler problems


will it ever run right
Jun 4, 2007
Has anyone had problems with the rear fillers in fiberglass not fitting right,
I have glass fillers and I forgot where I bought them, the problem I have is where the taillight housings meets the fillers there is still 3/8" gap till the lights bottom out against the rear panel. trying to decide if I'm going to fix them (a lot of work) or get new ones (more money spent), don't want to buy the same ones again, is there more than manufacturer for them out there?

Thanks again for the help
I purchased front and rears years ago from a company out of Texas. I belive their name was Musselmens. They were made from ABS plastic and my body shop guy said they had the best fit he has seen compared to other products he used. Good luck
I have fiberglass rear fillers also and yes I had to do quite a bit of work to make them fit. I wouldn't recommend spending more money on new ones because your probably going to get more of the same thing. I had to build up the inside of mine with fiberglass and reshape them to fit "correctly". I'm sure that you will get more people saying that their's fit perfectly.........yeah sure! A friend installed some on his GN and he was happy......that doesn't mean that they were correct. I didn't point out that the tail light didn't fit I said he was happy. Buy some fiberglass/resin and rework what you already have, yes it's alot of work but if it's the attention to detail that you are striving for get after will appreciate all the hard work when your done. Good luck
I just got done installing a set of rear fiberglass fillers and a set of front fiberglass fillers, the only thing I had to do to make them fit correctly was oblong the holes some. Also had to pull them about an 1/8"out to get them to line up correctly with the body panels.
Bought rears fibers and fronts fiber/plastic from GBody great fit. The rears do
go on a special way though.
I iinstalled the rear fillers starting from the center out, and then check for proper fitting with the bodylines.