reverse lights


Uconn is better
May 24, 2001
Well I have to pass VA inspection and they seem to be Nazis around here about it. So I'll have to fix my inoperable reverse lights. The blubs are good and the fuse is good. Before I go digging in checking wires, does anybody have any suggestions? Is this possibly a common problem with an easier solution than what I'm about to embark on?
if your linkage rod under the car is still intact and no one messed with it its rather easy to fix

if you have been having problems with the key not releasing or sticking when you try to turn it you may have to adjust the linkage rod under the car ( it can move out of adjustment due to sagging body bushings and drivetrain mounts)
if you look under the car (directly under the accelerator pedal) youll see a shaft pointing down up to the steering column , with car in park loosen the 1/2" bolt till it will allow you to slide the shaft then push the shaft up lightly and retighten ,

if the linkage is set right and you still dont have lights then youll need to adjust the neutral start/backup switch . sometimes it can get bumped running in wires and such through the speedo cable grommet .
its a long white switch at the base of the steering column (down by the pedals) at the top side of the column housing , that switch can be pushed (rotated ) to adjust (no tools) .
with car in park , emergency brake on, key in ignition to 'on' (not running) , gear selector set to reverse , rotate the switch till the lights come on then till they go out then move it bac half way from where it was and your'e done .
if you cant get them to light moving it then check the elec plug to be sure its connected to the switch , or the switch may be bad (rare).
thanks, it's most likely the first problem since I have to rotate the collar on the collumn everytime to get my key out.