Here it is. Car was raced Sunday, everything was great. Drove it 50 miles yesterday, everything was great. Left Jimmie John's last night, everything still great, but then half way home, it just started to run like crap. I started running through the SM numbers and everything seemed good but my BL's were higher than normal. I thought maybe a plug wire came off or something, but everything is good there. Here are my thoughts: I think I have an injector that took a dump. That would explain the higher BLs as the other 5 injectors are running richer to get the AFR to where the computer is happy with the overall mix and also why it runs like crap ie: rich and on 5 cylinders. Everything else on the SM is normal for my car and no MAL codes. Any other thoughts? I have a guy who I'm taking it to to diagnose further as I just don't have the time right now with my new biz, but I wanted to collect some ideas before taking it there in case my thought process is off.
TIA guys and gals!
TIA guys and gals!