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S10-SS with Smallblock!..Oh boy


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Junior Samples

Walk Away
Aug 3, 2007
Yeah he was fast, He was loud, He was bent on showing me what was up.

He was bummed when I hit 2nd gear:rolleyes:
I bet he thought he was a real bad ass driving around with the v8 and loud mufflers till you showed him your tail lights!!!:biggrin:
Ive done a v8 conversion into an S10 a long time ago back before they made kits...pain in the rear but it hauled azz when it was done.

it sounded good but im willing to bet he didnt have a lick of traction..i couldnt tell due to me being infront, but not my issue if he hasent resolved his.
It doesn't come as a surprise. Most run-of-the-mill converted S-10's I've seen run 14's, maybe 13's on a good day. Not only because of traction issues but because in some cases the swaps were done cheap by some shadetree mechanic...meaning they used a tired 350 out of a 1975 Chevy car/truck/van....just stuck it in there and hooked it up and called it a day....and using whatever means needed to secure it, be it bailing wire or zip ties.

Only a handful of converted S-10's that I've seen can actually run 12's or better and still be streetable. I had one a few years ago that ran 13.5's in the 1/4 at 101 mph that was a pure street truck. But I've found better things since then.
just stuck it in there and hooked it up and called it a day....and using whatever means needed to secure it, be it bailing wire or zip ties.

Or JB welded a chain to the frame. We just get spoiled with TB's.. a few mods, good tune and you skip the 13's all together, few more mods and pushing 11's while the others are poking... My bud had about 12K into a BBC nickle and diming him to death.. best time was 12 somthin:rolleyes:
Funny you mention that...seen one where they tack welded the motor mounts directly to the frame (instead of using the correct swap mounts), and a good engine lunge would always break the left side motor mount where it was welded on. Wow 12k in a bbc only doing 12's? :eek: I had $3500 in my last bbc (396), I was running mid 13's in a 3600 lb Chevelle.
Or JB welded a chain to the frame. We just get spoiled with TB's.. a few mods, good tune and you skip the 13's all together, few more mods and pushing 11's while the others are poking... My bud had about 12K into a BBC nickle and diming him to death.. best time was 12 somthin:rolleyes:

That's hilarious, but soo true. We are very spoiled. I thought I was going to HATE fuel injection, especially coupled to a turbo, which I used to hate as well. Now...not so much. :biggrin: