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saiga 12 w/ pistol grip


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Finished my first s12 conversion 2 weeks ago. Complete internal polish and Romanian surplus wood furniture.

The Saiga shotgun is more miss than hit out of the box, perfect for a Turbo Buick owner to spend money on mods.

You dont need to spend any money on mods to make these as reliable as any AKM. the problems people have with these out of the box are misaligned gas ports which allow gas into the gas tube and kicks the bolt carrier back to eject the spent round. If yours are partially or fully blocked, re drill them and 90% of your ejection failures will be solved. Next, polish the rails, bolt carrier, and hammer face and you will be at or near 100% reliability.

People have been duped into believing they need special 4 or 5 position gas plugs for their saiga to run properly. All you need are the 2 factory settings, 1 for high brass and 2 for everything else. Period!

Also, as with any shotgun, it pays to spend the extra nickel per round for brass heads. Id avoid cheap Winchester bulk rounds. Even my 870 doesn’t like them.
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Currently apart for a little love :) the paint I got didn't match so I'm gonna respray it. I ordered the extended mag release and I wanted the double and they sent me a single. The pistol grip I got I don't care for so those are both going back. I think I'm gonna tap the old holes and use button head screws instead of the plugs. I also opened up the mag well and I got the part that's suppose to help putting the mags in easier and I need to drill and tap that hole as well. Been a little busy and haven't gotten back to it.

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Not quite done with it! I didn't have any help from anybody either.i opened up the mag well so I can add the rock and lock for my drums. I tapped the holes instead of adding plugs where I moved the trigger group. I still want to dust these screws with semi gloss paint so they don't stick out. I also ground them nearly flush to the inside of the receiver because I couldn't find button heads short enough. I also had a hard time finding non stainless button heads. I also shortened up the set screws holding on the flash hider because my gun is older and didn't have a threaded barrel so the previous owner had the flash hider bored to fix and had the 3 set screw holes drilled and tapped but the set screws stuck way out and looked like crap so I fixed it. I don't like my pistol grip so the 1 I got is going back and I was suppose to get the double extended mag release instead of the single so that's going back too! When money allows I will be getting a tri rail or quad and a red dot and a set of real sights since what the gun comes with sucks

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thats awesome! i just need the reliability kit also.. but i might drill out the gas ports first.. i also wish i knew how to polish the bolt carrier and rails.
thats awesome! i just need the reliability kit also.. but i might drill out the gas ports first.. i also wish i knew how to polish the bolt carrier and rails.

reliability kit is $50 so I just bought it !!! who cares its $50!!! buy a dremel and some polishing supplies or a buffing wheel for a bench grinder. try looking in a pawn shop for the tool and sears for the bits and supplys

I am not a gunsmith or have ever done this before and I decided to take my good working gun and rip it all apart took a little bit of balls!!! I just watched videos on youtube and did it all myself just being patient. the bolts were frustrating to find and I had to try 3 cans of paint also frustrating. can 1 not the right color#2 was a faulty can. can #3 was semi gloss. well worth the trouble and the pride of doing it myself. my stock also has a spring inside which will probably help on not beating me up and the real nice rubber pad on the back.
thats awesome! i just need the reliability kit also.. but i might drill out the gas ports first.. i also wish i knew how to polish the bolt carrier and rails.

Id save your $50 from the reliability kit and buy more ammo.

Take your dust cover off and work the action. notice the catching points and try to find out what parts are in contact when it drags or catches. Usually it is when the bottom of the bolt carrier and hammer face contact. Sand/grind the high points down then polish with a dremel buffing wheel and some polishing compound. I bought an air grinder from harbor freight for $10 (ten years ago the thing is still a beast) and a $15 accessory kit that came with everything i need. the rails are what the bolt carrier glide on the sides of the reciever. You can take some sandpaper and hit them without damaging the gun at all.

I also took some valve lapping compound and applied it to my rails and carrier bottom and hammer. Worked the action about 500 times while adding more as needed. Works perfect for AK's. Not recommended to do on all guns though. Maybe give this a try if you dont want to tackle a full grind and polish mentioned above.
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I finally got around to ordering the parts to finish phase 1. Phase 2 is a quad rail with the long rail going over that pop off cover. I also am gonna order up some sights and a red dot and a grip pod system handle.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
So, I was just told that Obama banned importing weapons from Russia and that the Saiga 12s are starting to go back up in price. In my area they are asking over 2k for them now.
I read that also. Watching to see what happens on the
Saiga prices.