Saw Cloverfield......


U aint that big
Feb 25, 2005
Dont see this, save your money, I regret seeing it. Wish I could get those minutes back. Bad part is that they are probably going to make another one because this one did well. If the "blair witch project" and "godzilla" got together they would have given birth to this piece of crap movie.
Would u mind giving details...

Dont worry about ruining it, if someone doesn't want to know they don't have to read ur description. What was the monster?
I saw it yesterday. First 20 mins are brutally boring. Akin to being invited to a friends house to watch videos of a wedding or something. I thought several people were going to walk out on it. I can see how maybe it could be good if it was able to somehow draw you in but truthfully all that camera flashing around and such did nothing but give me a headache. Realistic but annoying. Leaving the theatre it was pretty much unanimous among the crowd that it sucked. Blair witch project meets godzilla is a perfect description. There will definatly be a sequel though.
the monster looked like a retarded godzilla that realeased little spiderlike was just stupid. It had like 4 legs and and an UGLY face, made godzilla look like a model.
I was interested based on the previews but when I heard they didn't let any reviewers see it I realized it was crap and don't bother.

When a movie is good, they let people see it before it opens in 4000 theaters.
I was interested based on the previews but when I heard they didn't let any reviewers see it I realized it was crap and don't bother.

When a movie is good, they let people see it before it opens in 4000 theaters.

They claim they didn't do any pre-screening because they wanted to keep the monster secret.

Anyways I think they did a good job as far as hype but for the most part all I'm hearing is that it isn't very good and makes some people puke from motion sickness.
most theaters give you your money back 30min or less into the movie (not counting the previews)

I have excercised that quit a bit in the past 2 years. Some movies I just can't watch anymore.

Im really glad you posted, I'll just download the moive haha. BTW what is with all the new action flicks and the horrrrrible lighting shots, and the 100's of camera changes within 1 sence? I can barley focus without getting a headach with some movies, especially new action flicks.

your only savior is watching old school movies, with single camera shots (pan outs and zoom ins) Not 20 different camera changes for 1 little fight sence. Old school movies really draw you into a sence with good creeping music, sloow zooms and little movement. Todays horrible i mean horror flicks are too predictable IMHO.

just my 2 cents though. everyone has an opinion.
From what I hear, the only reason to see that movie would be the new Star Trek teaser, which is probably already in full on the NET.
Now thats what Im talking about....

I have to admit Im a Treky. Like my mother before me :D . We have actually made it a point to see every Star Trek motion picture as soon as it comes out. I think it totally sux that they cancelled the most recent series "Enterprise". The only thing thats getting me threw it is the Voyager re-runs on Spike channel at 3 and 4pm. That trailer looked legit and if it is ma and good old mom will be in line with the rest of the geeks on opening nite. Finally a movie to look forward to. Thanx for the heads up, I gotta call mom right now.:redface:
I still kinda want to see it.

I think I might just go see it this Thursday or Friday actually. Something about it still lures me in... ;)
I have to admit Im a Treky. Like my mother before me :D . We have actually made it a point to see every Star Trek motion picture as soon as it comes out. I think it totally sux that they cancelled the most recent series "Enterprise". The only thing thats getting me threw it is the Voyager re-runs on Spike channel at 3 and 4pm. That trailer looked legit and if it is ma and good old mom will be in line with the rest of the geeks on opening nite. Finally a movie to look forward to. Thanx for the heads up, I gotta call mom right now.:redface:

I've seen Voyager about 3 times thru now on Spike, I'm burnt out on it. I've been relying on the Fan Films on the net to get me through. IE: Star Trek: New Voyages, Star Trek: Hidden Frontier, and it's spinnoffs Odyssey and the Helena Chronicles. Only problem with them is that they cast some serious overweight people, and there is a few gay charactors, other than that it's not bad, just have to deal with the low budget of Fan Films.

Sorry for stealing, but I kept asking my friends, would seeing Cloverfield be worth see just to see the 1:14 sec Star Trek Trailer. Now that I've seen the trailer online and read the consensus here that Cloverfield blows, glad I stuck my decsion not to see it.

Yes, I'm a severe Trek addict. But I've been to every movie since they started, even though I was only 6 months old when the first one came out, I don't remember, but my parents said they took me.

Edit- Notice your screen name in reference to the Briar Patch.
Saw it last night, I was sick as a dog throughout the entire film. I would have possibility left had I driven myself. I was feeling that sick. The movie was definitely Blair Witch with very good special effects.
From what I hear, the only reason to see that movie would be the new Star Trek teaser, which is probably already in full on the NET.

I saw the movie too. Thanks for reminding me of the trailers. The StarTrek trailer was worth the price of admission if you ask me. For some reason when I saw the guy TIG welding in a space suit all I could think of was Ken B aka turbofabricator. :cool: Oh looky here. Cloverfield and StarTrek have the same director. Star Trek (2008)
Rrrrrrr!!!!! I think this is what the UFO people have been seeing in Texas!! :p

saw it thursday, it sucked really bad the best part was when the girl blew up


I was sick the entire movie...only stayed because my gf wanted to see it. Had to keep my eyes closed pretty much the whole movie. Made me feel like I had 4 beers and 5 shots of tequila. I really hated how they didnt explain anything either.
This was better than War of the Worlds....

This movie was great- don't listen to the above reviews. GO SEE IT IN THE MOVIES!!!! Feels like you're in New York City and it's truly getting wiped out!!!! Freaking Awesome Movie! The Surround sound at my theater kept my heart thumping along with the awesome sound effects and really freakin ugly creature. This Creature was absolutely sick! Better than Godzilla, War of the Worlds, etc

Look out Steven Spielberg! Here comes JJ Abrams- Can't wait to see the new STAR TREK Movie in December.
It looks like this movie polarizes people just like Blair Witch did. My wife and I loved BW and at least half of our friends said it was the worst movie ever. The previews for cloverfield look great, but I'll wait for a bootleg:biggrin: