I just recently bought this scanmaster from a board member, and it's version 2.1 I also have a power logger that came with a 2.2 ver chip for the scanmaster, but it's the larger 40 pin IC, and the scanmaster I have has the smaller chip.
Can the smaller chip and IC socket on the scanmaster be discarded, and solder a 40 pin IC socket to the board and install the 2.2 ver chip as well as move the white wire from the green input on the scanmaster to the white input?
I'm well versed in electronics and soldering, that's what I do, Broadcast TV Engineer, so I think I could handle it...LOL
Can the smaller chip and IC socket on the scanmaster be discarded, and solder a 40 pin IC socket to the board and install the 2.2 ver chip as well as move the white wire from the green input on the scanmaster to the white input?
I'm well versed in electronics and soldering, that's what I do, Broadcast TV Engineer, so I think I could handle it...LOL