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Yes if you try certain words in your search it will come up "page cannot be displayed" like the word oil on its own or with other like oil cooler ect.ect.
Why can't this problem be fixed? The search function has been like this for at least 4 months now. :mad:
Yes. As a new GN Owner, the information on this site is Incredible, however with the search feature only working about 5% of the time, I find myself at a great loss.

If admin is reading, Please fix ASAP. This site is an archive of invaluable knowledge and experience, but with the current search rendered almost useless, the site is completely crippled for searching old posts, not to mention extremely frustrating. :(
This has been an on-going issue since I remember. I became a member of this board in 03.

It doesn't like a lot of two word searches. Not all but most.

To remedy your problem, try changing the words or dropping one.

I think if the server has to search for too long, it bombs out.
ok now its pissing me off.

before is wasn't bad for me, now its horrible!

I did a search for dual fans and came up with harnesses and turbos.....

then i did a search for titles only, "fan" and NOTHING came up. Yet there are HUNDREDS of threads which have the word fan in it!


i agree with the canadian. This site is FIRST for information, then bs and talk and bla bla bla, but information FIRST! Without this site is just pointless, unless you like to argu and fight all the time then its perfect!
You know what XxDarkSidexX I have about had it with you!

You haven't done anything but complain from start to finish. I don't like confrontations in public but obviously you don't mind bashing anyone or anything. If I remember right your knowledge of the powerstroke I/C is about as cool as your attitude:rolleyes: :o

Anyone that knows me knows I am a nice guy and will help anybody.

Read this real carefully though OK!


Very simple, you think?

I am sorry other members had to see this! But I have had it with this guy!

As far as the search engine goes it has had the most advanced software availble added to optimize the "search"
The problem is, now, there is so much information on the board that the common words are going to show up in most threads.
Narrow your searches to specific forums and combo word searches. Belive me no one uses the search more than I. We will continue to tweek it as much as possible!