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Thanks Bob, everyone here's been such a great help. I'll get that chip popped out and get some info posted up here tomorrow.

I will say this, at least I know where the chip and ECM are located :)
Here are photos of my ECM, chip and notes I found.... Hope they're helpful because it's all German to me.
Now today after reinstalling the chip and ECM the car ran pretty much flawlessly, for the most part. 1x under heavy acceleration I got a "POP" or backfire out the exhaust after letting off full throttle. After that it would boost up but under full boost it seemed to cut down to only 5 cylinders. I pulled over, killed the power to the ECM, restarted the car and it ran great problems.
That would be an Extender Extreme chip, with low speed data stream, made for 55# siemens injectors, for 98 octane/alky, 85% wastegate duty cycle, 800 rpm idle, no anti theft feature.

STock computer modified for low impedance injectors, but with a modified chip slot that does not require the stock chip holder.
Ok, now that we're progressing can anyone explain why my car would "cut out" on it's own, or backfire, then act as if it's running only on 5 cylinders UNTIL I unplug the computer and reset it? Or am I going to have to get some DirectScan data and post it?

I'm probably answering my own question by saying I'll probably need to post up some DS data. And I'll get that done as soon as I get my cigarette lighter/110v inverter so I can run this old laptop as I drive the car.

My car sat dead in my garage over the winter until I could get it down to my mechanic. He had previously found a dead Walbro 340 fuel pump in the gas tank and installed a new one in the fall. I took it out and it was still doing the same thing until it backfired and died completely, thus me storing it until spring. My mechanic found ANOTHER dead Walbro 340 fuel pump, however this time he discovered the "hot wire" kit had melted wires thus creating a short to the 12v power going to the fuel pump itself. Now with the performance update.....

It no longer "pops" or has a "backfire" attitude to it but it will still cut out at 3-5 lbs. of boost, like one gentleman said sounds like it's in valet mode. The odd thing is I bought a fuel pressure gauge from Kirban and installed it on the schrader valve on the throttle body, just as the instructions explained. According to my source the Extender chip should idle at 34-40 lbs of fuel pressure with the vacuum hose connected and 45 psi with it disconnected. My FP regulator won't allow me to adjust my FP to under 62 lbs. That's with the vacuum hose on and it'll go to damned near infinity if I crank the FP up. It'll literally put the gauge off the scale and obviously the car idles rough and revving it up blows brown smoke out the exhaust, it's obviously too rich....but 62 lbs. of FP the lowest I can dial it down?? Either my FP regulator is toast or my brand new Kirban's gauge isn't reading correctly...I'm betting it's not the latter. would I confirm this chip is in Valet Mode or how can I take it out of Valet Mode?
it could be the regulator, the gauge, or a restricted return line.

what pump did you install this time?

disconnecting the battery feed (ecm reset) should clear out any valet issue.

What is the chip number?

ok, I see the chip pictures above.

who "modified" your ECM?, I don't recognize the handwriting on the sticker

All the problems are now fixed thanks to Scott Vail (Quick Turbo V6) and (TurboBob)'s work and expertise. The cutting out was due to a bad coil pack, under hood wiring was hacked and it's been cleaned up, a less aggressive and streetable (94 instead of 98 octane) chip was burnt, the boost solenoid was bad and overboosted the car and with the addition of a transmission that doesn't have a Mickey Mouse 2nd gear repair, it's finally running as a Turbo Regal should. Thanks much guys!