Show n' Shine at Saddleback Church

Man O man! I'm just gonna say it! :mad: Mike needs to pull his car out of there! Get a refund and go to Len. I would put my GN on it that it's still gonna be all F'd up. I went to Art 5 times and every time the car was in there 1 week to 2 weeks sometimes 3 weeks at a time. :mad: Going to California Performance Transmission was the biggest waste of money and time I have ever dealt with while building my GN. I seriously do not know why they still build 2004R Transmissions. Art has got to be in denial about his product. I was there 3 yrs ago and jumping threw the same hoops Mike is now jumping threw today. That's all I'm gonna say. He needs to stop taking peoples money for a job he can't do!

I AGREE. I didnt EVER have my car to Art Carr, because of the horror stories I heard. Brent, Phil, Morgan (i think he had problems) are just a few of the people I heard with problems. I know there are more.

Len Freeman hands down for the 200's and 400's. :biggrin:
The next show is this Saturday, Apr 5.

I'll be there in one of my toys. Who's coming?
The weather should be good!:biggrin:

I'm also meeting a Camaro buddy at Fuddruckers on El Toro tomorrow at about 5:30PM.

Tim, I hate you!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I want the contents of your driveway (well just the Camaro, already have the GN) :biggrin: :biggrin:

Looks great!!
Unless it's snowing tomorrow morning, see you when you get there. I will leave Donut Derelict's about 7 or so, should be there about 7:30-7:45 A.M. or so. 5 south, left on El Toro, left on Portola. I know about where that's at. See you then. Anybody else?
Unless it's snowing tomorrow morning, see you when you get there. I will leave Donut Derelict's about 7 or so, should be there about 7:30-7:45 A.M. or so. 5 south, left on El Toro, left on Portola. I know about where that's at. See you then. Anybody else?

See you there, Gary.
Show starts at 8AM...I'll get there around 8:30.

Yup...right after you go left onto Portola from El Toro, you'll see the show on the right.

I'll probably be in the GN. I'll need to run it by the car wash first.
On Tursday, I drove the Camaro to Fudds. When I got home, I left the key on so the electric fan could run and cool the radiator down....I usually remember to go out and shut it off....this time I didn't...
This morning when I was looking for my Camaro keys so I could drive it to work....I found them....still in the ignition in the On position. :eek: The Optima Red Top battery was dead..hopefuly not forever. I just hope I also didn't fry the coil or choke. I've heard this is a possibility.:rolleyes:

I'm recharging the battery right now, but won't try to restart it till tomorrow AM.

I won't be able to make it. I have to work. :frown:

Working on the weekend is for weenies!;)
Oh wait....I'll be working next weekend in India.
See you next time, Brent.
Hey Gary.
Thanks for coming out today. It was good to see you and I hope you enjoyed the show.

Hey Ralph.
Good to see you too.
Sorry you had to leave so quick in search of your caps. did you find them?

Thanks for the invite, Tim. Great show, too. Good to see & talk to you too and the guy that had but just sold the GN. Good to see Rafael too.
Rafael sorry to hear that your car was falling apart on the way there. J/K, Rafael, hope that you found your caps. I am sure that some import is running around that area today with your caps drilled out for running lights & mounted on his windshield wiper cowl. Those caps falling off of the car is God punishing you for selling the GTA rims without the car.
On again this Saturday


I'll get there around 8:30, but might have to leave by 10AM for my sons football game.

I'll be in the Camaro this time.
See you there, Ralph.

....and no dropping F-bombs this time when you notice pieces of your car didn't make it to the show with you :eek:

A couple of the church going guys had to get baptized in the fountain after you yelled out, "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge!!!!!!" and then left to go look for your wheel caps.:rolleyes:

I'm brining my bar of soap this time just in case.....:biggrin:'s been a few months.
For anyone interested the next show is coming up on Oct 4 from 8-11AM.
They're expecting a pretty good turn out.

Turbo Buicks...represent!!!
The weather is gonna be sucky and if I go I'll only be there for about an hour....

Gotta leave early to go to my sons football game and my daughters soccer, then get ready to leave for China tomorrow night.

...maybe next month...

See you there, Ralph.

....and no dropping F-bombs this time when you notice pieces of your car didn't make it to the show with you :eek:

A couple of the church going guys had to get baptized in the fountain after you yelled out, "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge!!!!!!" and then left to go look for your wheel caps.:rolleyes:

I'm brining my bar of soap this time just in case.....:biggrin:

i can relate to Raph dam wheel caps every time i go somewhere am always checking if my wheel caps are still there.
i can relate to Raph dam wheel caps every time i go somewhere am always checking if my wheel caps are still there.

I lost my original front driver side cap last week.:mad:

Good thing they are still available over the counter. I was able to get one form Buick and my GN is whole again.
Probably just got it in time to avoid GM's price increase, as they just went up about $6.00 each according to Kirban. New price is going to be something like $33 each